Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [adv] be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is what happens in the cases of textbook transmission that I referred to earlier : the teacher is required only to put into operation ideas which have already been realized as materials and is given no guidance in the evaluation of the validity of the principles on which the materials have been designed even when these principles are clear to the textbook writers themselves .
2 Genette systematically coins new terms for aspects of narrative which have already been named but which imply a psychological or realist element : flashback becomes amalepsis , point of view becomes focalization , the opposition between telling and showing is translated back into Plato 's terms diegesis and mimesis , and so on .
3 Mail relating to the mail messages for the current user , the New figure shows the number of unread mail messages and the Old figure shows the number of mail messages which are still retained in LIFESPAN but which have already been printed or read by the user .
4 — relating to the mail messages for the current user , the New figure shows the number of unread mail messages and the Old figure shows the number of mail messages which are still retained in LIFESPAN but which have already been printed or read by the user , eg. 13 new messages and 1 old message .
5 Before any options are granted to replace those which have already been exercised and which would result in the total value of options granted to an individual under the Scheme ( including options which have been exercised ) exceeding four times his annual remuneration , the Committee will satisfy itself that the grant of such options is justified by the performance of the Company in the previous two to three years .
6 The process of editing will take account of the other papers left by Miss Lister , including the vast number of letters which she left and which have already been calendered and partly transcribed .
7 The two books to be discussed in this chapter , Totem and Taboo ( 1913 ) and Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego ( 1921 ) , are discussed in reversed chronological order , because the themes of the latter book develop ideas which have already been introduced and discussed in Chapter 3 .
8 Glass vessels appear in a variety of forms in graves and were classified by Harden ( 1956b ) into eleven types divided into three chronological groups , which have since been extended and reviewed ( Harden 1978 ) .
9 When I first began the work that I am doing now , I decided to keep an open mind about the topic ; but , as time has progressed , I have been able to record details of fact , time and place given to me by my patients which have later been checked and confirmed and found to be wholly accurate .
10 One feature alone redeems the book , namely that it illustrates many works which have rarely been reproduced since the original publication of the albums by Redon , though we could also have hoped that the quality of the reproductions were a little better .
11 It often involves looking at problems afresh and giving serious consideration to ideas which have traditionally been regarded as impossible or is practicable .
12 The only known or suspected production sites are at Elsham in Lincolnshire comprising concentrations of burnt material and sherds of pottery ( which have not been excavated and which may represent the remains of funeral pyres ) , the excavated kiln ( ? ) at Cassington ( Arthur and Jope 1963 ) and possibly Sutton Courtenay ( Leeds 1936 , p. 28 ) .
13 There have been no acceptable records since 1940 which have not been considered as most likely to have escaped from collections .
14 What follows are the most reliable facts which his early biographies ( John Aiken , 1792 and James Baldwin Brown , 1823 ) provided and which have subsequently been checked and accepted , as far as possible , from his own works and from later accounts .
15 Inefficient recovery practices have left metal-rich waste dumps which have often been levelled or used as roadstone .
16 They may also depend upon getting people from within the department to work to change old policies which have hitherto been regarded as quite satisfactory .
17 Storage problems have been alleviated by the arrival of two large containers which have now been waterproofed and painted .
18 The DNA sequence of this PPT element in addition to exhibiting homology to the previously proposed neuronal consensus ( 8 ) has homology to other single stranded DNA binding protein elements which have recently been identified and occur in non neuronal genes .
19 The crucial question of ‘ standards ’ , of teachers ' commitment to what have traditionally been accepted as cultivated or educated taste and speech , recurs in connection with both these activities with disturbing persistence .
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