Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [adv] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Here the Phantom scored top marks thanks to the Chandler pickups , which seem perfectly suited to this instrument .
2 This week saw the second of their massive Kinnockathons , which set out to prove at vast length and with exquisite tedium what Punch first established in May last year , to wit : that both Hansard and the cuttings files are full of daft remarks uttered in the days when the windbag was still a firebrand .
3 In one school of thinking , durables , pharmaceutical goods , insurance , etc. , have been christened ‘ information-intensive ’ products , and there are agencies which set out to specialize in this type of product .
4 As such , the dialectic can easily become a teleological notion , covering any factors which turn out to contribute to some structural change in society .
5 What he tends to ignore , however , is what one might call value charged definitions which do not function as persuasive devices for modifying attitudes but serve simply to formulate , and perhaps endorse , combinations of descriptive and valuational meaning in ordinary usage which reflect widely shared attitudes .
6 Roofs of houses are now generally constructed with a series of individual trussed rafters , which do not rely on heavy timber purlins and common rafters , as in traditionally constructed roofs .
7 It can be argued that such tests are gender biased , both in their questions , which do not draw on social , female-oriented spheres of knowledge , and in their multiple choice format , which , by demanding a single answer from a set of often mutually exclusive possibilities , does not allow for women 's interactive , socially responsive way of solving problems .
8 The words which do not appear in other lists fall into several important groups : signs relevant to deaf culture , signs which might be subject to borrowing by languages in contact , signs where compounding is likely to occur , number and colour terms .
9 It is not possible simply to dispense with such tests , because there are occasions , especially when dealing with highly context-bound readings which do not appear in ambiguous sentences , when they are the only practicable way of diagnosing ambiguity .
10 Their relative independence of the councils which set them up means that deals can be negotiated and long-term arrangements achieved which do not depend on detailed discussion through council committee .
11 Laws describes women in academia as Tokens , made deviant first by their sex , and then their aspirations , which do not fit with social expectations about women : ‘ Being born female , the Token is assimilated to primary deviant status .
12 There are certain to be cases which do not fall within these guidelines , and these will cause problems until such time as " case law " has been established .
13 There are other uses which do not fall within any of the defined classes and these need specific consent to change to any other , provided of course the change is ‘ material ’ .
14 All the assets and operations acquired which do not fall within this business segment are treated as ‘ business held for resale ’ in the accounts .
15 It could lead to what the theologians have called ‘ Modalism ’ , as though God disclosed himself in these three successive modes or forms — forms which do not correspond to any differences in his own nature , but are merely adopted for our benefit .
16 Local participation is achieved because , and as a result of , appropriate conservation measures which do not cut across existing practices and irreducible means of earning a livelihood .
17 Ways of trying to increase your bargaining power include delaying negotiations or confrontation until you are in a stronger position , initiating action in another area which raises the costs to your opponent if he disagrees with your offer , linking the issue under discussion with much wider issues which do not seem of much importance at first sight to your opponent but which may be to his long-term disadvantage but to your long-term advantage which will compensate for your short-term loss .
18 These items are made in Afghanistan , the Soviet Union and Pakistan , and although they closely resemble nomadic rugs , often employ a range of guls ( Pendi , Penjdeh , etc ) which do not belong to any tribal group .
19 As is apparent with the Henry V film 's cuts and remodelling of the Shakespeare play , however , desires within the twentieth century mean that aspects of the Renaissance which do not conform with current needs are rendered silent .
20 Types of racism which do not conform to this model are either ignored , marginalized , or ‘ redescribed ’ in ways which deny their independent significance .
21 Nevertheless , the low sea level would have killed existing corals , which do not survive above low tide level as a rule , so that there ought to be discontinuities in the reefs , and , if those who believe in progressively lower interglacial sea levels are correct , the reefs should exhibit a terraced or stepped form .
22 On the basis of our stated principles we can therefore say that unc and unc are both real properties of the proton B. However quantum mechanics does not permit them to enjoy this status simultaneously , since they correspond to operators which do not commute with each other ( p. 28 ) .
23 But we need to make certain that this is not just playing with formulae ; it is all too easy to produce " underlying representations " which are compatible with surface data , but which do not come with compelling reasons , based on other observable data and not on mere rejigging of the representational system , for being chosen in preference to various other compatible representations .
24 The self-certification procedure may also be used to seek legal aid for related proceedings which do not qualify for free legal aid .
25 Large scale , site-specific projects which do not allow for secondary sale are hardly ever considered to be a worthwhile investment .
26 Already , member states may not maintain restrictions on the access of , or marketing prohibitions on , products or services which do not comply with national specifications .
27 Our discussion has taken a broad view of qualified defences , commenting also on some qualified defences which might be recognized but which do not feature in contemporary English law .
28 Non-scientists — and anti-scientists — are often troubled by such apparent unwillingness among scientists to spend time investigating seemingly paradoxical results which do n't fit into current experimental paradigms — corn-circles , ESP , UFOs , aromatherapy or whatever .
29 Banning books which do n't conform to that ideal is another .
30 The sex exclusive markers which do indeed occur in some languages are superficially striking , but on closer inspection they can be seen to result from a few regular and predictable rules acting on the same basic structures .
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