Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] is [verb] [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 It is the statute that marks out the field and dictates to the citizen the rules by which he is to play and the goal at which he is to aim .
2 One way of putting the record straight about school meals is to invite parents of new children for a free meal with their child so that they can not only taste the food but see the way in which it is presented and the way in which the children are supervised .
3 In addition to giving the numbers mentioned above , for each scheme the catalogue names the award , the units of which it is composed and the centre validated to offer it .
4 The structure of the Pacific — its enormous , landless centre , its contorted and congested peripheries — is due entirely to the plates of which it is constructed and the manner in which they have moved in relation to each other .
5 the effect of growing social expenditure depends on its type ( whether transfers , purchases or state produced services ) , its nature ( the department or production or , in the case of transfers , the class to which it is directed ) , the manner in which it is financed and the final incidence of taxes .
6 Whether school RE reflects the obvious case for it depends upon the openness with which it is approached and the style of teaching adopted .
7 The new Ord 20 , r 10(3) provides for markings to show the party on whose behalf the affidavit is filed , the deponent 's initials and surname , the number of the affidavit in relation to the deponent , the date on which it is sworn and the date on which it is filed .
8 The basic cutting is a whole leaf , together with the short section of stem to which it is attached and the bud at its base .
9 described two distinct states of affair , namely , ( a ) where the wife is alive to what she is signing and is procured to sign by the undue influence of her husband ; and ( b ) where the wife is not aware of what she is signing and the only ground for impeaching the document is her want of understanding .
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