Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] be [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 Lodgings/digs These are generally unpopular with most students because of cost , set meal times and general restrictions — such as the number of baths allowed — and the times by which you are expected to be home and in bed !
2 The Other Woman has a category to herself in Silhouette 's construction of the necessary elements of the romance novel , an indication of the extent to which she is considered to be an essential ingredient : ‘ The Other Woman Usually means over sophisticated , well groomed .
3 The market is the mechanism through which we 're forced to be competitive .
4 The extent to which they are felt to be a big deal for the pupils will mirror the extent to which they are felt to be a big deal by their teachers .
5 The extent to which they are felt to be a big deal for the pupils will mirror the extent to which they are felt to be a big deal by their teachers .
6 Buyers often attempt to include express warranties stating that goods will be suitable for the purpose for which they are intended to be used by the buyer , or suitable for the purpose for which they are ordinarily or generally used .
7 Few general texts , but most monographs , use footnotes-either at the bottom of the page or at the back of the chapter/book — The validity of historians ' views are largely determined by the evidence upon which they are claimed to be based .
8 The matter is further complicated by the fact that the disclosure letter will almost always say the disclosures are made by reference to the warranty to which they are thought to be most applicable , but they also apply to all warranties .
9 Some political activists concluded from this that what was needed was to ‘ empower the poor ’ , encourage their civic and political participation as a way to redress the balance , give them the strength to organize in such a way as to make effective claims on society , to receive those citizen 's rights to which they were said to be entitled .
10 Although I believe that hysteria , as classically defined , can provide only a part of the answer to the problem of anorexia nervosa , it is a starting-point and , in the light of Szasz 's observation that ‘ hysterical conversion is best regarded as a process of translation , ’ I propose to translate the history of my own symptoms back into the language in which they were intended to be expressed .
11 It was positively dangerous because it involved the Jews in a game in which they were bound to be discredited .
12 Perhaps they felt pity and affection for the animals moving through a world by which they were doomed to be destroyed .
13 ‘ One of the company was called upon often without a word of preparation — to treat on a subject with which he was presumed to be familiar , and so to express himself that what he said could be discussed afterwards .
14 If the S.M.O. was right , which he was bound to be , being a very experienced physician , then the crisis would come any time from the day after tomorrow — when I would be on nights ' off .
15 The naked body of Diana Travers , his domestic servant , was found drowned at his wife 's Thames-side birthday party , a party at which he was expected to be present .
16 Four weeks ago a girl who worked for him , Diana Travers , was found drowned following a party given for his wife on her birthday , a party at which he was expected to be present .
17 This is a duty to take reasonable care for the visitor 's safety for the purposes for which he was permitted to be there .
18 His description of the group culminates in the famous formulation of the " perfect law of art " of which it is said to be the embodiment :
19 As I have explained in Working Paper 43 , and developed in Organizing Resources , this indexing system depends upon the initial production of " features lists " , or lists of subject headings , the subject facets which it is desired to be able to retrieve from the system .
20 ED 65 states that , if changes in values are not recognised , there should be a positive statement , immediately below the SCFW , that the measure of comprehensive income is incomplete , and an indication of the manner in which it is considered to be incomplete .
21 Outline four ways in which Venus is known to resemble the Earth , and four ways in which it is known to be strikingly different .
22 Wimpy International Ltd v Warland [ 1988 ] STC 149 had determined that the facts to be considered were : whether an item appeared visually to retain a separate identity ; the degree of permanence with which it had been attached ; the incompleteness of the structure without it ; and the extent to which it was intended to be permanent .
23 John Strachey , a leading Left Book Club and Communist intellectual , wrote to his schoolfriend Robert Boothby — now a left-wing Tory MP — reassuring him that the left would support a pact with the Tory dissidents , even if the Communist Party was excluded ( which it was bound to be ) .
24 The Jews of his day had come to see the Old Testament law not as a pointer to the life of trusting obedience in God which it was meant to be but rather a code to be scrupulously followed in every detail .
25 The circumstances which imposed on Midland Bank the duty of which it was held to be in breach are not apparent from the report .
26 The criticisms it was encountering had to do , for instance , with the composition of the Council ( whether or not there was adequate representation of polytechnic teachers or local authorities ) , or with the slow rate at which it was held to be devolving authority to the institutions .
27 It 's what I was born to be .
28 As soon as my mother saw the train on its way , we took the renowned Edinburgh cable car to a photographer at Piershill to have my very first picture taken , which was a shouted instruction as my father disappeared into the darkness of a Princes Street tunnel and the acrid smoke of what I was told to be a " Puffing Billy " .
29 I 've just asked Kurt whether the heroin rumours are true — to which he 's laughed , said ‘ No ! ’ and made me feel his arms for any tell-tale scars or holes , though obviously shooting up is n't the only way to take smack and to be honest I 'm not sure I knew what I was meant to be looking for , but still , it 's an impressive gesture at the very least — when Anton walks in with a woman I recognise as Susan Silver , manager of Soundgarden .
30 But ‘ at some point in the future ’ , she wants to become again what she is trained to be — a general paediatrician , work that would inevitably involve dealing with child abuse .
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