Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] be [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 It also plays host to a number of strange , ghostly occurrences according to a book I belong to Glasgow by Bill Hamilton and Gordon Carsely , from which I am most obliged for the information .
2 ‘ While engaged in watching the movements of the several species of the great family of Procellaridae , which at one time often and often surrounded the ships that conveyed me round the world , a bright speck would appear on the distant horizon , and , gradually approaching nearer and nearer , at length assumed the form of the White-headed petrel , whose wing-powers far exceed those of any of its congeners ; at one moment it would be rising high in the air , at the next sweeping comet-like through the flocks flying around ; never , however , approaching the ship sufficiently near for a successful shot , and it was equally wary in avoiding the boat with which I was frequently favoured for the purpose of securing examples of other species ; but , to make use of a familiar adage , the most knowing are taken in at last ’ ’ ; one beautiful morning , the 20th of Feb. 1839 , during my passage from Hobart Town to Sydney , when the sea was perfectly calm and of a glassy smoothness , this wanderer of the ocean came in sight and approached within three hundred yards of the vessel ; anxious to attract him still closer , so as to bring him within range , I thought of the following stratagem : — a corked bottle , attached to a long line , was thrown overboard and allowed to drift to the distance of forty or fifty yards , and kept there until the bird favoured us with another visit , while flying around in immense circles ; at length his keen eye caught sight of the neck of the bottle ( to which a bobbing motion was communicated by sudden jerks of the string ) , and he at once proceeded to examine more closely what it was that had arrested his attention ; during this momentary pause the trigger was pulled , the boat lowered , and the bird was soon in my possession . ’
3 Jamila said nothing and Helen was eager to talk about Charlie , a subject on which she was obviously preparing for an advanced degree .
4 Further details about Art in Action , and other events which we are currently planning for your interest , will be published in future issues .
5 At the end of the last century when Impressionism was still a dirty word in England , and anyone who bought a Monet was considered as being more than half-way on the road to Bedlam , the Americans were taking to him with something of the enthusiasm which they were then displaying for the newly discovered chewing-gum .
6 At the same time , John was made Earl of Gloucester , and awarded the lands of Mortain in Normandy — to which he was instantly banished for a term of three years , Richard 's clearest vote of no confidence in his brother .
7 Hence the fierceness with which it was both fought for and resisted .
8 Other ideas include mixing straw with sewage to make compost , which is being tried out at sewage works near Oxford and using it to make paper , which it was widely used for until the 40s .
9 That 's what I 'm just looking for , hang on .
10 What I 'm really searching for is a bit more evidence from the C , all participants as to why the principle of expanding an exis existing settlement has been rejected , I well appreciate that those who lived in the settlement that was chosen would not like it , but that 's not the point I 'm getting at , is there nothing in this principle of building on what 's there ?
11 Floating voters tend to say things like ‘ Of course , being in carpets , what I 'm really looking for from the parties is a firm pledge on European weaving quotas , ’ and they tend to sound like Hurd and look like Gummer .
12 What I 'm really looking for is er the option to take charge of my life myself .
13 yeah , you know quite hopeful so what I as I say what I 'm really looking for is I 've got a preference for older properties but you know try not to pin myself down to too much at the moment , I 've got about a hundred and thirty to spend so ideally I 'd like a cottage old style but I do need three bedrooms
14 So what I 'm really asking for is full democracy and not the rather closed democracy that we 've been used to in this country er for too long .
15 you might 've er I mean you did it right , it could 've been a bit stronger though , a bit more punch to it , er punch is n't the right word erm , you know , well okay look what I 'm really asking for Dave is your help , you know , when people ask you to help what would you normally do , you 'd help would n't you ?
16 That 's that 's it until I know or I know what I 'm actually looking for in it I can run around chasing me tail all day which
17 But I 'm sure that that was what I was somehow looking for .
18 I realize now that somewhere inside myself this is what I was always longing for . ’
19 ‘ I need to know , Malamute , ’ she said frostily , and Tammuz knew what she was really asking for was his permission to intrude upon his therapy programme .
20 A thorough self-assessment will help you get totally clear in your own mind what you are most suited for and what you actually want .
21 You might have to be more clear about what you 're specifically asking for rather than use handles titles .
22 That 's what I mean , so what you 're actually getting for your , thousand pound is n't a lot of money .
23 What we are essentially looking for in secondary education , then , whether practical or theoretical , is a curriculum and a method of pursuing it that will equip the student with transferable skills and transferable expertise .
24 ‘ At the end of the day , what we 're really looking for is the right byelection . ’
25 How do you work out his total marks which is what we 're really looking for ?
26 That 's what we 're really looking for , hazardous
27 I think that what we 're really looking for is a stimulating , exciting involvement of parents , of students , of teachers , of everyone who has an interest in the success of a school , and I think for some years at Cardinal Newman we have been trying to create this open society , which gives access at all levels to all the children and to their parents , and we do n't want to close the society in any shape or form .
28 That 's what we 're really asking for yes .
29 So what we 're always looking for now is outlets for the produce .
30 well I think that , that the , the sending out of the press release immediately was , was quite correct , because obviously people had ride that , sorry people may have read that and something therefore had to be said , my personal view was that really this article is you had , if you like had undone everything that we had been trying to do , erm and put us in a bad light and it maybe my Scottish background , but I do n't like people calling in to question my motives and the companies motives , erm and I felt that it went straight to what we were really standing for , given what I explained about my thoughts in nineteen eighty seven , it was hitting straight to the core of the whole proposition and everything that stood for , erm and that is what was the great concern and because it was n't just like a , a mild slap in the face it was more like a knife in the ribs , it was therefore required a lot more thinking about as to the reaction that we would then have to come up with .
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