Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [am/are] [verb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is easy to pretend that the values and standard of behaviour about which I am speaking are genteel or middle class .
2 According to that document , non-fundholding practices such as the one to which I am referring were entitled to reimbursement of computer costs from April 1990 .
3 I have my eye at the moment on the little-visited town of Amman , capital of Transjordan , which I am told is charming .
4 It is one of the most significant and important respects in which the recession from which we are recovering is different from all previous recessions .
5 At the end of the last chapter , it was apparent that the classification scheme which we are using is fallible .
6 Although the current rise in unemployment , now slowing down , which we are witnessing is frustrating and to some extent avoidable , the Labour party 's criticism of the Government 's record is both hypocritical and deceitful .
7 The green left sleeve brassard carries a red-on-yellow rampant Lion of Scotland patch , which we are told is special to the CO and his crew .
8 Forecasts from econometric models will be inaccurate if the data on which they are based are wrong .
9 Their actual meaning is unclear because the definition of the population on which they are based is ambiguous .
10 In one form or another these issues , which are really all variations of the same issue , are of very long standing , but the style in which they are presented is liable to change very rapidly .
11 It is now known that the majority of standard statistical procedures used in the construction and evaluation of quantitative economic ( and other ) models , are sensitive to whether or not the data series to which they are applied are stable or unstable .
12 The matter of which they are made is crushed right out of existence … but it leaves behind it a gravitational field , as if it were still there but compressed into a very small volume of space .
13 Whether the length of time spent in making these inquiries and the mode in which they are made are reasonable or not may be nice questions .
14 The context in which they are mentioned is curious .
15 To this the applicant and his advisers respond that however understandable the authorities ' current attitude may be the course which they are adopting is unfair , for two cumulative reasons .
16 What I am advocating is balanced view of your own work and a more sensible approach to its shortcomings .
17 I should be feeling disloyal to Fergus , I should certainly be wondering if what I am doing is right , and if I am going to be hurt .
18 If we look at the rates proposals — I shall give way to the hon. Member for Alyn and Deeside — He does not want to intervene because what I am saying is right .
19 That what I am saying is true .
20 If someone a obviously it 's it 's what I 'm asking is hypothetical anyway because I mean the flats are coming down so no one new can move in , but say you actually if if it was possible for other people to move into these flats and you knew someone and they said erm , You know I 'm thinking of moving into Green flats , what would you say ?
21 What I 'm saying is important . ’
22 You care about her , Seb , and I believe that in your heart you know what I 'm saying is true . ’
23 They tell you that what you are experiencing is real , ’ he says .
24 What you are saying is ridiculous .
25 When used in conjunction with the function of Devil 's Advocate you can push the children to a point where they refuse to take orders ; they have to persuade you that what you are proposing is wrong .
26 LOCKJAW is actually another term for the extremely serious condition of Tetanus , and so I think what you are describing is recurrent dislocation of the tempero-mandibular joints , which link the jaw to the skull .
27 If you find that something that you are trying to do results in the program crashing then , before you start to curse the programmer , you should first try to find out if what you are doing is reasonable .
28 At last she said slowly , ‘ What I mean is , looking back over the past is always a bit sad , even if what you 're remembering is happy times , because it 's over and done .
29 What you 're asking is impossible . ’
30 ‘ I know what you 're saying is right , Eve , but I 'm not sure I 'm man enough to do what you suggest . ’
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