Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [vb base] we [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
2 Which I think we might like to do n't worry .
3 And it 's a , it 's a tendency which I think we shall regret .
4 Erm and that is one of the issues which I think we would need to comment on er at the last enquiry as the airport .
5 erm which I think we can assume
6 We er we got very close to beating Bellevue at Bellevue which was okay I mean everybody 's a bit rusty so and we were experimenting with tyres and everything and er it was only a challenge , but it was nice to get the first meeting on the way and er I was very impressed by some of er the team members of what I saw , I knew er team mate Dean Bargger was doing particularly well scoring 11 points and er he 's really a promising er youngster which I think we can get a lot of use out of , and er in general I mean you know Ellis Stevens was doing particularly well as well , so if those two can keep doing well during the season , then okay mine had a few problems , she only scored 3 points , but that was just a one-off so yeah I thing we look quite strong on paper again now .
7 ‘ I want you to examine this act in which you propose we should conspire with the enemy against our emperor .
8 Can I ask you to think carefully about those dire those issues factors which you think we ought to take into account if we want to be better informed in order to come forward with that sort of a recommendation .
9 How can we possibly retain that self-reliance and confidence if we become more and more a nation of programmed consumers , stuffed with the produce of an automated technology over which we feel we can have little influence ?
10 What we think as , as Frank said erm , our policy is to accrue erm , income , which we think we 'll get in cash terms the following year , ie , we 're not gon na accrue it as soon as B Sky B expenses it , which is one end of the spectrum of erm , imprudence you could say or , and the other end , extreme prudence is to account for nothing until it 's cleared er , in the bank balance .
11 It remains true that sport is really all about competing well rather than winning , but when defeat becomes too common , particularly in activities in which we think we should excel , the moment may have come to do something drastic .
12 By studying the differences and the ways in which they arise we can arrive at an understanding of how language relates to gender .
13 what , what I hope we 'll do next week is to , is to take that idea up and to see maybe why this policy came through erm and we 'll look at the , like the arithmetic of that as to , as to how much money there was , how much land there was in fact .
14 I shall certainly be supporting what I suppose we 'll have to call Knicker Aid by riffling through my scanties drawer , though I trust the recipient of these exquisite items will have the initials WB .
15 Well what , what I suppose we should do is find out what R N I B is doing first , that 's what we should find
16 What I think we 'll do to start off with is to just put you on one inhaler and see how well you respond and if you only need it ev every now and again we do n't need to do anything else .
17 So what I think we ought to do is — ’
18 I think it 's a sure fire bet at getting a fiver , what I think we ought to do immediately
19 what I think we ought to do immediately , however , is to write to Graham , inviting him to , let's see
20 Conclusion : this is what I feel we should do about it
21 Oh well we do need to get some armbands for Andrew I think whatever I think we should buy the armbands cos Chris erm Andrew needs them
22 For we can not feel what we know we ought to feel — that ‘ the masses , are ‘ just folks ’ .
23 time and time again they sit on the sidelines saying this is what we think do n't talk to us about it do n't debate it , do n't ask us to think about it , take it or leave it , if you do n't give us what we want we 'll sit back and moan and sulk and they 've played , I think that 's a very irresponsible line they 've played in the five years I 've been on this council and I hope that er again the issue on the next item on the agenda represents a change of heart on their behalf .
24 When we are going on a journey to a strange country , our state of mind and the nature of our preparations are determined by what we think we shall find there and , in particular , by whether we have friends and relations living there .
25 So I had a meeting with Dailey to talk about the workshops and so on , so we 've bashed out the format and er , and what we think we 'd like to do , but it 's partly dependent on D T I , because it is their event , and we want to be seen to hijack it .
26 But what I 'm gon na suggest is that again we go back to the client , and say basically , this is what we think we can provide is that good enough ?
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