Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] be that " in BNC.

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1 The second point which I would make is that despite having had many months indeed years , to come to a view , erm it is only Selby District Council who have stepped forward and said , basically that they would be prepared to accommodate the new settlement .
2 Perhaps the slightest pleasure of which I can conceive is that of sucking a boiled sweet .
3 The conclusion to which we can come is that cannibalism is rare but that , in extremis , it is something to which the human species will resort .
4 I 'd rather take that approach , and what I would suggest is that , wherever possible , teachers should think about involving parents in the kinds of difficulties that the child is having in school , and thereby becomes a team effort rather than parents working one direction and perhaps teachers working in another .
5 I think that er , er , what I would say is that er , we would follow the markets erm , where they lead us .
6 What I will say is that good art education is vital to the future and it must be based upon an analytical study of anatomy and perspective . ’
7 What you might find is that out of er fifty women , thirty smoke , twenty do n't smoke .
8 Actually , what you 'll find is that working mothers are extremely efficient because they have to be . ’
9 What you must remember is that sexuality is as basic a consciousness as information . ’
10 I think yes er we have to accept that er the use classes order would allow that erm , but what we would anticipate is that in terms of I five , the local planning authority would be would allocate specific sites related to I five .
11 What we can say is that Caribbean usages have spread outwards beyond the Caribbean community itself , so that there are a number of expressions of Caribbean origin now in use in London both within and outside the black community .
12 Okay , so , I think what we can say is that agricultural trade in absolute terms has probably risen
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