Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When I was sufficiently recovered to be permitted nourishment I felt the most extraordinary desire for a glass of Guinness , which I knew could be obtained without difficulty .
2 I sucked a huge breath , ducked low , praying I might yet slip through beneath the bulk of the web which I knew must be draped across the passage in front of me .
3 My doctor had also prepared a report for the judge , about various medical problems which I hoped might be taken into consideration , along with the fact that I had for some time been re-building my life and now had very little to do with the lifestyle that brought me into contact with drugs .
4 This act of faith by the Department was one which I hoped would be justified and I was very much looking forward to the challenge .
5 Therefore , I should like to make a suggestion , which I know will be regarded as special pleading .
6 My hon. Friend the Member for Linlithgow ( Mr. Dalyell ) raised some extremely interesting issues which we do not have time to debate today but which I hope will be debated in the other place , such as the relationship between the putative funding council and the Scottish Office .
7 There is also a proposal afoot to re-route the Three Peaks Walk across Thorns Gill , which I hope will be rejected .
8 The ‘ funny ’ Hearnes were all related , a fact which is clarified in my forthcoming book on the family which I hope will be published in autumn 1993 and will also dispel several other myths about this numerous band of cricketers .
9 The two pieces I have written for WCM are adapted from A Cuckoo in the Bodyline Nest which is almost completed and which I hope will be published later this year .
10 In the possibility that it might be useful , I documented in his record what we talked about , and my view , as a psychiatrist , that he was absolutely lucid , and that his judgment was not impulsive , but rather a carefully thought through and well-considered decision which I felt should be respected .
11 As a member of the West Yorkshire Society 's Club , which was formed in September last year , I can testify to its role in raising morale and the efficacy of one 's personal presentation ; and there is one particular aspect which I feel must be placed on record .
12 I refer to the problems in the system which I believe could be avoided .
13 Passages such as verses three and four in ‘ The Missing ’ which describes with great nostalgia which I think might be called sentimentality , the joys of the past now gone .
14 He puts it at between one and four per cent , which I think could be violated in the short term .
15 Anthony Trollope possessed great talent which I think can be seen clearly in ‘ Barchester Towers ’ and ‘ The Last Chronicle of Barset ’ .
16 A few days ago I received some news which I think should be shared with all Warwick Bass owners .
17 The conclusion which I have reached results , in my view , not only from a settled and sustained line of authority which I see no reason to question and which I think should be endorsed but also from the view that any other conclusion would be constitutionally undesirable and impracticable .
18 the circumstances I wonder how well this is to the current debate as opposed to amendments which I suspect will be moved later on .
19 Erm the there is something which I suppose can be said about what you should do , if you 're an N F and a , and a , an a dominant intuitive .
20 For the future , my hon. Friend will have to await the autumn statement by my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer which I understand will be made tomorrow .
21 The press release will include information about the music and the band which you hope will be used in reviews .
22 The information in section 3 will apply to you however , in some circumstances , the place in which you live may be classed as a ‘ Collective Charge Property ’ ( these could include accommodation with a very high turnover of residents ) .
23 Can you think of any other products or services connected with stamp collecting , which you feel should be introduced by Royal Mail ?
24 Both Ian Allan , chairman of AIR , and I have felt for some time that this division was not helpful to the railway movement and it was agreed at the ARPS Council meeting held on 25th April ( which I missed due to the pleasure of attending my secretary 's wedding ) and the AIR Board meeting two days later that we adopt a proposal put forward by David Madden , a member of ARPS Council and director of operations on the North Norfolk Railway , to set up a joint committee to handle affairs of mutual interest , which we agreed should be called in good railway tradition : ‘ The Railway Clearing House ’ .
25 A small group of professionals , myself included , selected those books which we believed should be saved at all costs but , although we did this as conscientiously as possible , our combined subject knowledge was at best partial and it is inevitable that some books worthy of preservation were overlooked …
26 A number of major savings have been identified nationally , leaving £2200 which we hope can be raised regionally — the following targets have been set , based on the number of active teachers in each region .
27 So what are the needs of children which we hope will be met by placement with new psychological parents ?
28 It will play a key role in helping to finance responsibilities accepted by developing countries under the conventions on climate change and biological diversity , which we hope will be agreed over the coming months .
29 There are 400 commitments to take forward in the next year — from proposals for new standards for indoor air quality to work on the major international agreements which we hope will be signed at the earth summit in Brazil in June 1992 .
30 I have pleasure in enclosing our considered response which we hope will be taken into account when finalising the guidance for publication .
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