Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] by a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 If there are reasons to indicate that the child has visual defects , more detailed and sophisticated tests will be undertaken by an ophthalmologist to whom the child will be referred .
2 In an appropriate case a bank will require a mortgage to be explained by a solicitor to the borrower .
3 They are fallings away from reason beyond conscious control , which require to be explained by an appeal to the unconscious .
4 The Commissioner said that unless ministers relented , the issue might have to be resolved by an appeal to the European Court of Justice .
5 The degree to which the trend had affected Nonconformist life can be seen by a return to the Metropolitan Tabernacle after Spurgeon 's death .
6 This being the case , if the production of constant capital is to increase — an absolute necessity for accumulation to occur — then this can only be done by a transfer to Dept .
7 It was resolved that any member absent for twelve months should be visited by a deputation to ‘ ascertain the cause ’ .
8 A different sort of response to art is to use it as a means of learning more about the society in which it was produced ; this may be felt by a theoretician to be more important than to know the artist 's intentions , which , it can be argued , are determined by society .
9 We used to be mortified to think that a recognisable vest or discarded pair of pants , now grey , torn and shapeless , should be thought by a neighbour to be worn by one of us .
10 Bureaucracy would be abolished by a return to ‘ primitive democracy ’ in which state functions are discharged ‘ by the majority of the population and by every individual of the population ( p. 38 ) .
11 The practical politician will not be tied by a commitment to rigid policy objectives , but will search for a high level of consensus around a policy generally favourable to the viewpoint of his or her political party .
12 After establishing the fact that we had only one body , which could not be replaced by a trip to Marks and Spencers if it wore out , we discussed ways and means of preserving it !
13 According to the deal , the Vicar would retain his position , but the Curate could be replaced by a preacher to be chosen by the town 's fourteen trustees .
14 Article 11 of the Vienna Convention allows for consent to be bound by a treaty to be expressed in a number of ways including acceptance , approval , and accession .
15 The Court 's decision is a strong reaffirmation of the need for a State 's consent to be bound by a treaty to which it is not a party , and a denial of any automatic acceptance of a lawmaking regime .
16 Edward III 's intention was that the Black Prince 's campaign in Aquitaine should be accompanied by an expedition to Brittany under Lancaster and an invasion of Normandy led by Charles of Navarre , king of the small Pyrenean kingdom lying between Aquitaine and Castile .
17 But whether the premises are true or not is not a question that can be settled by an appeal to logic .
18 PREMIER John Major last night refused to be intimidated by a threat to the lives of 2,500 British troops in Bosnia .
19 General de Gaulle wrote to Ho Chi Minh on 8 February 1966 , stressing that peace could only be restored by a return to non-intervention ; the United States was not named , but clearly this was in de Gaulle 's mind .
20 Companies should not continue to be penalised by a reference to an inherent uncertainty in the auditors ' report when the directors have given it prominent and full disclosure .
21 In place of a fall from grace which is ultimately to be followed by a return to Paradise , we have the notion that mankind originally evolved out of a sub-human stage of bestiality .
22 Political upheaval and war are not necessarily associated with curriculum change ; and even when they are , change seems habitually to be followed by a reversion to the status quo ante , a tendency to equate change with relabelling , a reassertion of institutional inertia .
23 Your talk would be part of a morning session which would also include a presentation about bus stops and shelters and one about bus stations and termini ; the latter would be followed by a visit to Glenrothes Bus Station .
24 When the Stock Market crashed in October 1987 , many economists thought that it would be followed by an end to the property boom and a downturn in the ‘ real ’ economy .
25 If this cleaving or oneness is actually to occur , it must be activated by a commitment to intimacy , not just physical intimacy but spiritual and psychological intimacy as well .
26 If you are over-weight , and must cut down the amount you eat , you will repeatedly lapse , to satisfy your cravings. persistent minor symptoms , such as headaches , aching limbs or a lack of energy are often put down to nerves or stress but they can be caused by a reaction to food .
27 It was argued that a breach of natural justice at the original hearing conducted by racing stewards could not be cured by an appeal to a committee of the Australian Jockey Club since there would be nothing to appeal against , the first decision being a nullity .
28 I can see nothing the matter with the use of Form N111 although I agree that the form would be improved by a reference to the contemnor 's right to try to purge his contempt .
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