Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] for [adj] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 For various reasons , DATEC decided that , with one exception , no college proposals would be validated for Higher Certificate and Higher Diploma courses which would allow a start before September 1982 ; as a consequence , there are at present relatively small numbers of students on these courses .
2 Optimal output can be calculated for each subject and for each period on each repetition , as can optimal sales which can most conveniently be expressed as a proportion ( always either 0 or 1 ) of total post-production stock .
3 In principle the tensors P1 and Q1 can be calculated for any shape but spheres and ellipsoids are the usual shapes used with cylinders and discs as the limiting cases .
4 Private marginal cost should be adjusted for any production or consumption externalities that arise , thus ensuring that society equally values the marginal cost and marginal benefit from the last unit of output .
5 This method is therefore the one to use if you want to work out how the pattern should be placed for matching side or raglan seams , cardigan fronts and so on .
6 It also seems that the pressures have increased since the 1970s as manufacturing firms especially have reduced their labour force and no worker wants to be nominated for early retirement or transfer .
7 It may therefore provide the incentive for the most thorough pre-purchase behaviour , and marketers hoping to supply such products may have to be prepared for extensive enquiry and investigation before they will manage to sell any of them .
8 Early in 1981 Lothian Regional Council decided that various disused railway lines should be acquired and that a rolling programme of cycleway/footpath improvement schemes should be prepared for this land and for other former railway land owned by the Regional Council .
9 And he tells how the SAS photograph the layout of every room in royal residences to be prepared for any kidnap or siege drama .
10 All the keywords can be left in the configuration file , as the parameter given for the keyword HCMAP dictates whether a volume set will be prepared for hard copy or omitted from the hard copy run .
11 Two is the obvious number , but in certain circumstances a case could be made for one prisoner or three prisoners .
12 Family cases should be only referred to a solicitor where detailed advice and negotiation about the arrangements to be made for financial provision and for the children were needed ; other civil cases should only be referred once it was clear that court proceedings should be initiated .
13 Allowances should be made for some variation but the key characters highlighted by arrows , are unlikely to vary significantly .
14 She intended to plead her own nervousness and her desire not to be destined for public exhibition and planned to finish by thanking him for the compliment of his request and wishing him well in finding a more practised model .
15 In some cases you will need to be seen for further investigation and/or treatment .
16 We 're in a mess and nothing is going to pull us out ; I am not a socialist ; I 'm not impressed by your little man in Rome ; I do n't like ultra-nationalists ( I 'm not one of those who 'd follow the general ) ; I think there is something to be said for constitutional monarchy but in France that cause is as dead as mutton ; I have not much faith in the League , nor in democracy as an up-to-date technique of government .
17 His only regular commitment was a fortnightly diary , so he would n't be missed for another week or two .
18 In particular , a police officer can be sued for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment ( which are forms of the tort of trespass to the person ) if he or she arrests a person without a justification recognized by law .
19 But what really seems to be worrying USL is the commercial use of the code by third parties such as BSDI , which , says USL , may go beyond the channels approved in AT&T contracts with all Universities that Unix source can be used for internal administration and educational purposes — not commercial use .
20 The net proceeds will be used for working capital and capital expenditures associated with the development and introduction of a number of new products .
21 The $16m or so net proceeds will be used for working capital and to repay bank debt .
22 However they should no longer be used for summative assessment and need not be retained for inspection by the Subject Assessor .
23 Aluminon ( ammonium aurine tricarboxylate ) can be used for absorptiometric work and is reliable , interference from iron being minimized by the addition of thioglycollic acid .
24 Mark Ellis , 23 , of Burrell Road , Ipswich , denies four charges — causing the girl to become a prostitute , living off her earnings , permitting a flat to be used for unlawful sex and himself having sex with a girl under 16 .
25 Ellis , 23 , of Burrell Road , Ipswich , denies causing the girl to become a prostitute , living off her earnings , permitting a flat to be used for unlawful sex and having sex with a girl under 16 .
26 We hope that these materials will not only be used for private study but be subjected to critical scrutiny by school-based inservice groups sharing common curricular interests and by staff of institutions of higher education concerned with both special needs teaching and specific curriculum areas .
27 Water-based lubricants , such as ‘ KY ’ or ‘ Foreplay ’ , should always be used for anal intercourse and for vaginal intercourse when necessary .
28 A Greek firm has bought three Skyships , which will be used for coastal patrol and leased to Olympic Airways for luxury tourist travel in the Greek Islands .
29 The total cost is likely to be more than £20,000 and a further £10,000 will be needed for major firebox and boiler repairs on No. 1 ‘ Talyllyn ’ .
30 Counsel and Care recommends a thorough care plan should be agreed for each resident and frequently reviewed .
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