Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [subord] [pron] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All-in-1 will gradually be withdrawn as it is replaced by cc:Mail .
2 ( The discrepancy could perhaps be explained if it is assumed that there is also a weak preference to continue with the first-named character . )
3 Straightforward leave applications are often decided without an oral hearing ; but even when there is a hearing in order to clarify issues , leave proceedings are meant to be very brief : a recent practice statement requires special notice to be given if it is anticipated that the leave application will last for more than 30 minutes .
4 A counter-notice which must be served within 21 days after service of the Notice , should only be given where it is required that the party whose statement it is sought to admit , should be called as a witness , but there are witnesses who can not , or should not be called , that is if dead , beyond the seas , or unfit to attend , or who can not after reasonable diligence be identified , or can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection ; consequently in respect of all those persons , the opposing party is not entitled to serve a counter-notice requiring such person to be called unless he can contend that the person can , or should be called .
5 Where a writ of summons or an equivalent document had to be transmitted abroad for the purpose of service , under the provisions of the present Convention , and the defendant has not appeared , judgment shall not be given until it is established that —
6 The register of " form " as " template " seems to catch exactly the potentially creative status of the text whose full form will only be realised when it is enacted .
7 WHEN Darren O'Leary plays for London against the North in the final round of the ADT Divisional Championship today he will be forgiven if he is caught day-dreaming of England training in sunny Lanzarote .
8 The sculpture received a fresh coat of paint in 1975 and will be repainted if it is scratched or damaged .
9 Any programme targeted on an explicit need can be justified if it is followed through with adequate resources .
10 Nor can generalised criticism be justified if it is based on one isolated incident .
11 Where such a movement has occurred , or there has been rumour and speculation , the Panel should be consulted if it is proposed not to make an immediate announcement .
12 Resale is not a problem when the commodity is a service ( train journeys , electricity supply ) , which must be consumed as it is purchased .
13 Because mathematical skills are perceived as being easy to define and to recognise , and because such skills are perceived to be relevant , schools may be attacked if it is believed that they are not teaching such skills effectively .
14 Photographic and/or medical evidence could be considered if it is thought that the injuries would be difficult to prove .
15 There is , however , a danger here that older people will be infantilised when it is implied that they are no longer competent and able to discriminate for themselves .
16 But if knowledge proceeds on what must be presupposed before it is proved , the cover is blown on the pretensions of critical doubt .
17 When Pip finds out that Estella is to marry Drummle he is shocked but at this moment he is more devoted to Magwitch who will be hanged if he is caught .
18 The plaintiff 's feelings may be wounded if he is subjected to aggressive cross-examination , especially if it is designed to support what transpires to be an unsuccessful plea of justification , so this forensic factor may be brought into account .
19 So , for the best colours and such details as bright yellow stamens , the flower must be picked as it is coming into bloom .
20 The entire fabric and balance of power within the group may be shattered if someone is transferred or promoted .
21 If it has been discovered during the course of earth-moving for construction or other work , however , the site may be totally unknown ; in this case , it is important that local archaeologists are alerted as soon as possible , so that some kind of record of the site can be made before it is destroyed , or it may even be excavated if found to be important .
22 A demand is made when and where a letter containing it is posted ( Treacy , by a 3:2 majority ) , and probably continues to be made until it is read by the victim ( Treacy 5:0 , but obiter ) .
23 Wholesale changes will need to be made if it is to administer a new form of tax as well .
24 An order under section 2 may also not be made if it is shown that the request infringes the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom or is otherwise prejudicial to the United Kingdom ; on these matters a certificate of the Secretary of State is conclusive .
25 As it has previously been shown that there is no enzyme activity in either the supernatant or the brush border , the drug must be absorbed before it is acetylated .
26 An election made after the two-year statutory time limit , but as soon as possible given the circumstances , will be accepted if it is made because a relevant and uncorrected Revenue error has resulted in the partners or their agent being misled about whether the requirements of the legislation have been met .
27 They say it 's disgusting and something needs ot be done before someone is killed .
28 It must be done before she is restored .
29 No one , so far as I know , has ever questioned such a suspension on the ground that it could not be done unless he is given notice of the charge and an opportunity of defending himself and so forth .
30 The constitution still stands and nothing can be done until it is changed .
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