Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [coord] [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 In fact any subject matter can be examined and taught with a significant resource-based component , although as in our examples above there is likely always to be an important place for the directed expository lesson , whether " lead " or otherwise .
2 Stage 2 : The companies which met the client 's criteria would be listed and reviewed with the client before the shortlist in Stage 3 was compiled .
3 Energy leakage in commercial and domestic microwaves can be checked and monitored with the hand-held TEK-500 Microwave Leakage Detector .
4 Similarly , all the following modulations are easy and effective : Modulation to the relative minor ( included above ) is common enough , and indeed an entire passage in the relative minor may be complete in itself ( as a separate section of a movement ) , and need not be preceded or concluded with a modulation .
5 In part , this is a result of the relatively early stages of RMI , but it is an aspect that must be addressed and addressed with a sense of priority .
6 Nevertheless , the idea of theory may itself need to be theorized and regarded with a measure of scepticism , like other honorific terms in contemporary discourse , such as ‘ politics ’ and ‘ history ’ .
7 As consumer demands become less varied around the world , the truly successful company is one which adopts global marketing strategies that can be tailored and implemented with a local focus .
8 The report optimistically continues that it was ‘ practically certain ’ the course would be built and adds with a final flourish of conviction ‘ Mr D. Stephenson , now professional to the Princes Golf Club , Sandwich , and formerly in a similar capacity at Huntercombe , has prepared plans of an 18-hole course on that portion of the Bolney estate fringing on the Harpsden road , with a clubhouse to be built almost directly opposite Mr. John Hodges ' cricket field .
9 Stable and reproducible emulsions and microemulsions can be prepared and selected with the A2PL chemical formulator from the French company ISMP .
10 It may also include very small remains such as pollen grains , that can only be seen and identified with the aid of a microscope .
11 The subject is now surrounded by a multitude of objects from which only a few can be selected and invested with a sense of self , but Simmel argues that : ‘ our freedom is crippled if we deal with objects that our ego can not assimilate ’ ( 1978 : 462 ) .
12 Additionally , Library staff can access Altos files of catalogue information for about 6,000 records , and this data will be transferred and merged with the 1,000 records available on the new Soutron Library System .
13 To the two thirds of the Road money to be levied & paid with the Cess in terms of the new Act of Parliament £24 ; 13:4 .
14 They must be performed and co-ordinated with the dance style and musical rhythms appropriate to the location where the story is being enacted .
15 They must also be performed and co-ordinated with the occupational gestures that belong to the location and that are employed by the particular inhabitants whose story , with its moods , emotions and actions , is being told .
16 The piping or icing bags need to be washed and dried with every change of colour icing , although of course if you have a number of bags available this is unnecessary , and a variety of colours can be kept on hand at any one time .
17 The lengths of cladding should be measured and cut with a saw to fit the width of the opening .
18 With pool data , their total indebtedness account by account can be measured and compared with the ‘ product ’ they prefer to use , measured by their total activity .
19 However , their indirect effects , such as small changes in the energy of electron orbits in atoms , can be measured and agree with the theoretical predictions to a remarkable degree of accuracy .
20 While all primary sources need to be assessed and handled with a degree of caution , with artist 's material there are additional considerations .
21 Mechanically induced post-depositional changes in sediments such as compaction , stylolitization and structural deformation can more easily be detected and evaluated with the aid of CL .
22 The total of the copy invoices and other cost documentation processed for each accounting period will be compared and reconciled with the total of the original invoices and other documentation processed via the financial accounts .
23 Louise Garner , a criminal law practitioner in Manchester who has worked with juveniles , said yesterday : ‘ At ten a child can be arrested and charged with an offence but unless it is a very , very serious charge like murder , there is no possibility of a custodial sentence for a child under 14 . ’
24 The positive achievement of this tradition was that it allowed different communities , and their claims over their members , to be acknowledged and valued with a new , official respect .
25 In the first part , a brief explanation of the various forms of franchise operations , in particular the ‘ Business Format ’ franchise , will be provided and the growth of franchising in the UK will be documented and compared with the situation in the US and Europe .
26 Team performances and the quality compliance of work standards are to be monitored and reviewed with the aim of improving working practices still further .
27 Stage 3 : Additional criteria would be defined and agreed with the client to compile the shortlist of target companies .
28 The job descriptions of the 4 Clerical Assistants in the banking area of the Collection Section will be reviewed and re-evaluated with a view to bringing them into line with other posts within the ring fence if possible , that is the consolidation of the new technology allowance .
29 Recent thinking is that these should be scrapped and replaced with the wider concept of children with ‘ learning difficulties ’ having ‘ special educational needs ’ .
30 The chosen tactics will vary from deal to deal and should be discussed and planned with the client .
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