Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] any [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Only a small fraction of a bank 's total deposits will be withdrawn at any one time , and banks always make sure that they have the ability to meet their customers ' demands .
2 A separate problem , examined in the following pages , is how to decide which titles should be withdrawn from any one section of the stock .
3 Clearly this might not be a task that can be undertaken with any great degree of precision .
4 The MEI schedule is therefore the investment demand schedule , telling us the level of investment that will be undertaken at any given rate of interest .
5 In 66 cases there was a statistically significant effect which could not be explained by any other means .
6 The enhanced changes observed in this study in posterior wall biopsy specimens compared with those from the anterior wall can not be explained by any clinical factor .
7 The origin and symbolic meaning of some individual motifs and designs are well documented , but the majority can not be traced to any undisputed source , and a number of conflicting mythologies have grown up around them .
8 Paragraph 29/10/1(f) of the 1993 White Book recommends that the affidavit should explain why the plaintiff needs an interim payment and details should be given of any special needs and hardship .
9 Probably the first piece of advice that could be given to any new practitioner is that whilst a friend may be a client , a client should never become a friend , for an easy transition from a client to a friend can often lead to serious problems and difficulties .
10 So special attention should be given to any unusual contract terms you may be called upon to agree to in case these make the contract illegal .
11 If it does so the provisions of section 80A apply instead of those in subsections ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) of section 80 and the authority can be given for any fixed period or indefinitely though it can be revoked at any time .
12 If hypnotics are prescribed , enough tablets for only a few nights should be given at any one time and the medication stopped once the period of distress is over .
13 None of the software created under ToolChest can be optimised for any particular Sparc configuration without forfeiting compliance .
14 In the case where members of such type of partnership are solely and exclusively active and/ or retired employees of a corporation , the corporation may guarantee the liabilities of it and the partnership may be formed without any financial contribution by its members , and the members ' liabilities are limited to their financial contribution ( if any ) plus their gross income during the calendar year in which the liability came into being .
15 The products can be trapped in an inert matrix by freezing the mixture of reactants , products and an inert carrier-gas such as N 2 or Ar on a window held at 10–20 K. The reaction of metal atoms with O 2 can lead to the formation of a number of small molecules , and in general more than one of these will be formed in any particular experiment .
16 The vacancies may be filled by any corporate member of the Association regardless of location .
17 The international aspect continued to be of importance and was one of the reasons why the Nationalist — a very costly venture — was kept going even when its existence could no longer be justified on any other grounds .
18 They conclude that the easterly route does not give value for money and can not be justified on any conceivable cost benefit analysis , or on any opportunity cost analysis , or on any orthodox accounting analysis .
19 If an authority misdirects itself in law , or acts arbitrarily on the basis of considerations which lie outside its statutory powers , or so unreasonably that its decisions can not be justified by any objective standard of reasonableness , then it is the duty and function of the courts to pronounce that such decisions are invalid when these are challenged by anyone aggrieved by them and who has the necessary locus stand I to do so .
20 ‘ strength … balanced by strength ’ ( Statement of Commitment ) — is this a reasonable goal — can it be justified in any Christian sense ?
21 Effects seen in the L mice , the ulcer group , could , therefore , be differentiated from any non-specific effects of thoracic irradiation .
22 If necessary the form should be completed with any appropriate comments .
23 If necessary the form should be completed with any appropriate comments .
24 While the excavation was in progress , it may have been possible to wash some of the finds and mark each one with a code indicating where it was found : this task has to be completed before any further work can be done .
25 The verification process is going on , but we can not say whether it 's going to be completed by any particular time .
26 There are those who would argue that really this industry is unnecessary and that the convention is too important to the stable development of the oceans for it to be jeopardised by any one part .
27 For instance , forecasts for the total sales of bread , cakes and other bakery products in the UK can be calculated for any particular segment on the basis of trade and census data on the number of people in different socioeconomic classes ( see later chapters ) , their per capita consumption of bakery products , and trends in the consumption pattern as between standard lines , such as wrapped white bread , and value added lines such as wholemeal bread , cream cakes , crispbread etc .
28 It introduces several key changes to the way companies ' results are reported : the p&l account has an entirely new format ; extraordinary items become virtually extinct ; earnings per share will be calculated after any extraordinary items ; any gain or loss on disposal of revalued assets will be calculated with reference to the carrying value , and realised revaluation surpluses will therefore be excluded from the p&l account .
29 He has to be consulted on any substantial capital outlays and be provided with a full report of the board 's activities .
30 Their Lordships decided that past practice in the operation of G.C.H.O. generated a legitimate expectation that those who worked there would be consulted before any important changes were made in the terms and conditions of their employment .
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