Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] be an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The " appearance " exception ( that is , the second part of the exception ) could only apply if the soundproof box and printer , when taken together , could be considered to be an integral unit .
2 New Zealand copyright law is very similar to United Kingdom law , although , in the United States , it would be likely that the design features indicated in the specification would be considered to be an unprotectable idea .
3 For an ideal solution consisting of two components A and B , Raoult 's law may be expressed mathematically as The vapour of an ideal solution may be considered to be an ideal gas , and Dalton 's law ( see section 3.1 ) therefore applies .
4 Although ‘ teleworking ’ might be considered to be an old idea — anyone who has done the odd bit of paperwork at home while keeping in touch with the office by telephone can be said to have been doing it — the opportunity to have computer-aided design , back-office and data entry work carried out full-time away from the office has widened immeasurably .
5 This may well be considered to be an important factor , but , like other arguments for restricting popular influence or control over political systems and assemblies , it is not a democratic argument .
6 If the scheme is comprehensive , it may also be said to be an unwieldy instrument for judges and juries to use .
7 Of course , as recognized by the judge in the above case , if the structure is dictated by function then it can be said to be an uncopyrightable idea although , often that will not be so ; there will be a variety of potential structures possible .
8 Simple pre-exposure may be assumed to be an effective method for reducing associability because it allows the rapid formation either of a strong stimulus — no event association or of associations among stimulus elements , just as consistent reinforcement allows the rapid formation of a strong CS-US association .
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