Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [conj] he [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She realised at once that he could be forgiven if he reminded her that she had n't been too sugary herself during that phone call : but he did nothing of the kind , though he did allow himself a small smirk before all trace of a smile went from him .
2 Dr Steel said it was difficult to estimate when the gene would be located but he thought it would be months rather than years .
3 I asked him how he would prefer to be addressed and he said you can call him what you please , as long as it is polite .
4 Several times he almost stopped himself , but it felt so good to be unburdened that he let his tongue defy his better judgement .
5 It remained to be seen if he recognised her .
6 Father hated to be disturbed when he had anybody with him and I could see he was annoyed so I made myself scarce ; I mean I did n't stay to say what I wanted . ’
7 He denied any guns had been involved in the raid although Mr Beaton had said earlier in the trial he had been told he would be shot if he tried anything stupid .
8 It could be argued that he saw it as something of a homecoming : Neil had attended Yeovil Grammar School for a time when his father 's work took the family there .
9 She loved Piers , and it just was n't good enough to be told that he needed her or that he wanted her .
10 And Austen Chamberlain was still telling Baldwin that the Conservative position would only be restored if he bestirred himself and put a less negative spirit in his speeches .
11 In Berlin , Bismarck let it be known that he saw nothing wrong with the proposed solution , though he backed away from too openly supporting it in the face of a general outcry from the other European courts .
12 However , it appears that the singer wishes it to be known that he did something his way . ’
13 He had to be assisted as he flayed himself , but he got most of the skin off as easily as a cardigan , and the minister only had to help him with the last few strips .
14 She needed to be caressed and he caressed her , massaging and pinching at the puckered rose-pink nipples , until the heat burst into searing flame and wildfire licked over her body .
15 He tossed it aside as if it were made of straw and she knew she would be lost if he touched her .
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