Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [conj] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In a recent decision the Employment Appeal Tribunal has confirmed that a woman who is entitled to return to work but is made redundant while still on maternity leave , is to be regarded as automatically unfairly dismissed if the employer does not offer a suitable alternative vacancy or prove that no such vacancy exists ( see John Menzies GB Ltd v Porter [ 1992 ] 457 Industrial Relations Legal Information Bulletin 13 ) .
2 Sch 2 , para 2(2) of the EP(C)A provides that if no such offer is made the employee is to be regarded as automatically unfairly dismissed .
3 Products tend to be misplaced or even completely lost or they get in the way but somehow they never happen to be available when wanted .
4 The technique of discursive metaphor allows the individual to be depicted as both passively spoken through by language and actively involved in the discursive process of identity-construction .
5 What language will allow his confession to be made and yet not heard will by itself bring absolution and so release hi , yet all the while create his novel .
6 Like the colour of the great shades in the saloon , they can not be replaced or even exactly reproduced .
7 The uncertainty may be reduced or even completely removed by obtaining relevant information .
8 He was n't a bore or a boor , he could n't be typecast or even neatly slotted within the underground , from which he always maintained an apparently effortless sense of distance .
9 It was a regrettable side-effect of such disputes that the " general public " suffered — villagers might see their homes and livelihoods destroyed , they might be hurt or occasionally even killed , but how else was their lord to be brought to reason or to arbitration except by ensuring that he could not collect his rents ?
10 Publicity materials could be increased and certainly better designed : teachers ' magazines , newsletters , circulars could be shorter , better laid out , perhaps less patronising in tone .
11 Equally , a doctor need not respect a parent 's or legal guardian 's demand that treatment be continued or altered if in his view it is pointless , and the treatment would be categorized as ethically not indicated .
12 Even if — and it is a big " if " — an unobjectionable means could be devised by which choice among candidates on party lists could be indicated and also convincingly assessed for the award of seats , the possibility of that choice could not be provided by any practicable modification of the WGMS which would at the same time ensure a high degree of proportionality and be acceptable to British electors and parties .
13 The sick child does not want to be touched or sometimes even looked at .
14 Weeds sprouting in the path can be left or very easily dealt with
15 The effort entailed and the disruption caused by screening the families of probands would not be warranted unless high risk patients could be identified and then effectively treated .
16 Thousands of boxes of parts arrive at the assembly line every week to be emptied and then simply discarded in a corner because Dagenham is not geared to what the modern motor industry calls ‘ just-in-time ’ delivery .
17 But there must be concerns at the prospect of the need to break up such a service and whether the work it is undertaking can be maintained and appropriately financially supported in smaller units . ’
18 Potential inferences which were inconsistent with subsequent information should be rejected and therefore not remembered .
19 We must now go back to about 1920 when the whole subject could be described as pretty well bogged down .
20 The assumption that the cultural achievements of the past are actually obsolete is more likely to be implied than so explicitly stated , but it is a logical implication of a progressivist concept of knowledge .
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