Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You do n't want to be healed because it means you do n't have to justify running away . ’
2 The emphasis with the old , as with any other age-group , should be on prevention before the need for cure arises , and some elderly people suffer quite unnecessarily from the ‘ silent ’ types of illness which show no dramatic symptoms in their early stages ( such as anaemia ) , and which might well be diagnosed if they visited their doctor at six-monthly intervals when feeling at all ‘ off colour ’ .
3 This weekend that fear will be realised as she finds herself isolated from the boys who , as she has so often pointed out , mean everything to her .
4 ‘ I 'm old enough to be forgiven if I tell you that the news did n't sadden me .
5 She realised at once that he could be forgiven if he reminded her that she had n't been too sugary herself during that phone call : but he did nothing of the kind , though he did allow himself a small smirk before all trace of a smile went from him .
6 After each game you would be forgiven if you thought they had always won , because , win or lose , their only concern was ‘ who are we playing next ’ ?
7 How accurately do the points have to be aligned before we accept them as a ley ?
8 Companies will be punished unless they give their employees financial incentives to commute by bus , car-pool , or by rapid-transit rail lines not yet built .
9 The retributivist principle — that wrongdoers should be punished because they deserve it — is in some ways the complete antithesis of reductivism .
10 If people are to be punished because they deserve it , it is natural to say that they should also be punished as severely as they deserve — that they should get their just deserts .
11 We deserve to be punished because we considered ourselves over and above the deceased .
12 However , the Soviet Defence Ministry on March 29 offered an amnesty to other deserters , saying that they would not be punished if they rejoined their units immediately .
13 ‘ Whoever gave this drug to Rachel is evil and must be stopped before they kill someone . ’
14 ‘ Whoever gave this drug to Rachel is evil and must be stopped before they kill someone , ’ he said .
15 This cream dress is creased , it ought to be ironed before I wear it .
16 Taste is inborn , little can be learned without it , but everything can be developed if you have it and the discipline to train your eye .
17 They should not be discharged immediately they reach their target weights , but should become accustomed to eating normal meals rather than the high-energy diet necessary for weight gain .
18 The news might well be outdated by the time it reached the curia , messengers and even legates might be seized , as Cardinal Leo was by King Imre of Hungary , and the curial instructions might well be outdated when they reached their target .
19 " Gemma dear , he has a right to be considered and I believe he is a fresh-air man — the Gages and the Bartram-Hyndes have all been brought up to that .
20 These people must be considered as you organise your data .
21 Dr Steel said it was difficult to estimate when the gene would be located but he thought it would be months rather than years .
22 The patches can then be located where you want them among the preamp 's memory locations ( or programs ) , and then called up by a MIDI pedal .
23 ‘ I should be mortified if I thought I 'd missed a chance to do him a mischief , but it 'd be a cold day in hell before I 'd make a spectacle of myself in the market place . ’
24 ‘ If we do , Sir Henry may be caught before he reaches us . ’
25 I asked him how he would prefer to be addressed and he said you can call him what you please , as long as it is polite .
26 Unless there is a particular problem I would propose to delay altering the stops until moving the shelter can be organised as I think it would be confusing , not to say unpopular , to do otherwise .
27 Presumably , she and her husband have a valuable relationship , which would be devastated if you let your feelings get out of hand .
28 Their working lives ( up to about fifteen hours ) can be maximised if you handle them with care , so avoid subjecting them to mechanical shocks when in use ; switch off and allow them to cool before moving them around on the set .
29 They must not be forgotten for they gave their lives in defence of values which are under more bitter attack now all over the world than ever before . ’
30 Several times he almost stopped himself , but it felt so good to be unburdened that he let his tongue defy his better judgement .
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