Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [conj] [prep] [det] time " in BNC.

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1 And Archie McLaren had told me that the house would probably have to be sold , so it was to be supposed that at any time now people might be coming to look at it .
2 But it should not be thought that at this time the Minister relied solely on the advice of his civil servants for the formation of policy .
3 By notice of motion dated 14 May 1990 the Director of Public Prosecutions sought judicial review of ( 1 ) the decision of a single justice sitting at the Liverpool Magistrates ' Court on 16 February 1990 declining to proceed under section 7(5) of the Bail Act 1976 in respect of John James Bell , who had been arrested pursuant to section 7(3) of the Act , until such time as the bench was composed of at least two justices ; ( 2 ) her decision adjourning the proceedings to a court sitting on 19 February 1990 for evidence to be called and until such time remanding the defendant in custody ; and ( 3 ) the decision on 19 February 1990 of the justices before whom the adjourned decision came declining jurisdiction to hear the section 7(5) proceedings .
4 It must be remembered that at this time , the turn of the century , steam engines were fully developed whereas internal combustion engines were in their infancy .
5 It was directed at an audience to which a man of lesser wit and native grace might have been tempted to talk down ( it has to be remembered that by this time Boulestin and his restaurant had already become almost legendary ) but this was a trap into which he was at the same time too subtle and too naturally courteous to fall .
6 For example , let it be assumed that at some time an individual has become entitled to the ownership of some goods , by virtue of an approved process designated ‘ good — .
7 These are now kept on computer disc and copies can be run iff at any time .
8 ‘ It is not possible at this moment to give a precise date as to when and if any such agreement will be signed and until such time your co-operation in directing enquiries direct to Ray Crofts would be appreciated . ’
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