Example sentences of "[be] [adj] that [pron] has [been] " in BNC.

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1 If merely set at a given focal length , the zoom lens will simply act as a normal though infinitely variable lens ( between its limits ) and the viewer will be unaware that it has been used at all .
2 He called for a reduction in the special car tax , and I am sure that he will be delighted that it has been halved .
3 If we conduct an interventive experiment , and inject a drug which results in an animal not performing some task on which it has been trained ‘ correctly ’ ( I wo n't bother putting that word into inverted commas henceforward ; I have already spelled out that what we read as correct in an animal 's behaviour is interpreted by our criteria , not necessarily by its own ) , how can we be sure that what has been blocked or disturbed is the memory rather than the motor or sensory activity on which its expression depends ?
4 Even if you are confident that your present arrangements are adequate can you be sure that nothing has been overlooked ?
5 Williams attempts to show that if we examined the commonplace idea of equality of opportunity thoroughly , we find ourselves carried down a sort of ‘ slippery slope ’ towards insisting that only if everybody has succeeded to the same degree can we be sure that there has been genuine equality of opportunity .
6 He vacillates between describing the connection between creativity and psychosis as ‘ folk-loristic ’ and ‘ clearly exaggerated ’ , and confessing to be puzzled that it has been documented so often .
7 That prior to despatch of the Information memorandum we have the right to renegotiate the fee scale triggers should it be apparent that there has been a significant decline in land values .
8 It followed that no individual should boast of his role ‘ but be thankful that he has been permitted to be useful ’ .
9 This was to have travelled to and from Waterloo via Havant , Fareham and Eastleigh and no doubt many enthusiasts in that area will be disappointed that it has been cancelled .
10 The right hon. Gentleman will be aware that there has been a steady and substantial increase in resources for all kinds of community care — be it day places for the mentally ill or for those with learning disabilities , or increased resources for home help .
11 Dicta referred to above suggest that a court is entitled , indeed , obliged to be satisfied that there has been enactment by the monarch with the advice and consent of Lords and Commons ( except in the case of the Parliament Act procedure dealt with above , pp.98–9 ) .
12 In these cases the committee has to be satisfied that there has been a bona fide change of intention , or that there are other exceptional circumstances , and if satisfied can permit the applicant to complete additional training as a preparation for entering pupillage .
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