Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If one asks the further question , were the King 's actions wise ? , one 's answer is likely to be all too heavily conditioned by hindsight , by the views one takes of the later politics of the 1930s , of the restoration of a two-party system , and of the decline of the Liberal Party .
2 It was n't Morris , it was n't identifiable , even to a keen archaeologist — not unless he happened to be all too well informed about the experts who had interested themselves in Aurae Phiala , and even in their heirs and heiresses , down to herself .
3 It 's true that extracts such as Phoebe 's ‘ Think not that I love him … ’ from As You Like It ( Act 3 , Scene 5 ) or Viola 's ‘ 1 left no ring with her … ’ from Twelfth Night ( Act 2 , Scene 2 ) may be all too well known to a panel , but I can not agree with an adjudication policy that would ban these pieces from the audition .
4 For these reasons they tended to be much less closely associated with the advocacy of specific legal and penal reforms than classical criminology was .
5 Alternatively , changes to p53 and DCC may be much more closely related to malignant behaviour than c-ki-ras or c-myc activation .
6 I do n't see the support of victims of crime as a separate service provided by a small specialist agency but as something which should be much more widely accepted like sickness or bereavement , so that people can get a more sensitive and understanding response from their employers , neighbours , doctors and so on . ’
7 This is unfortunate as Ac-ASA is a much more stable compound that 5-ASA and could therefore be much more easily prepared for widespread commercial use .
8 … the position of upper-class housewife may be much more highly valued in the overall structure than the position of lower-class housewife .
9 Local spread of tumours arising in the cervix or uterus can be much more accurately assed with computed tomography , because of the high contrast between the abnormal tumour and the surrounding normal structures .
10 the nuances will be much more finely discriminated in the scent of flowers than in the stench of carrion .
11 In any event , the views of the electorate would be much more fairly represented at the next local elections .
12 The clubs will wriggle like eels to try to get round whatever restrictions are formulated so the punishments for transgressions of the regulations have to be just as clearly defined as the crimes , and in their application those punishments have to come down as decisively as a guillotine .
13 This means that there will be brain systems present in both rats and humans that can be just as easily studied in the former as in the latter .
14 The following comment could be just as easily applied to the 1980s as to earlier this century .
15 Criticisms contained in various Auditor-General 's reports could be just as easily directed at the British public sector .
16 but things can be just as well explained by the usual list of human follies that bankers are prone to .
17 The capital stock will be just as fully utilized at point B as at point A , but fewer men will be required to operate the fixed number of machines .
18 Writing of the Salon des Indépendants of 1914 , Apollinaire saw another influence at work : ‘ This year Futurism has begun to invade the Salon , and whereas from the reproductions they publish , the Italian Futurists appear to be ever more strongly influenced by the innovators of Paris ( Picasso and Braque ) , it would seem that a certain number of Parisian artists are being influenced by Futurist theories . ’
19 So sanctions must be ever more rigidly enforced on all fronts and the lesson driven home that Serbia will remain a pariah state until a peace is in place .
20 The leisure business continues to be once again seriously affected by the recession .
21 There has been considerable criticism recently of this approach , even though it seems to be now so firmly entrenched in many schools .
22 He believed that public outrage about the prostitution trade could be far more usefully channelled into forming local vigilante groups , as residents in the St Jude 's Parish of King 's Cross had done .
23 Since the prime function of many layers of middle management has been to transmit information which can be far more efficiently transmitted by modern technology , there is now no longer any need for their employment .
24 pensions will be even more closely related to their actual final earnings .
25 BELVILLE : I do not apprehend myself to be quite so much obliged for those intentions .
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