Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Key player Reckitt & Colman predicts that the market will be worth £750m by the end of the decade .
2 Dallas , Texas-based NetWorth Inc warns that it expects lower than expected sales and net profit for its third quarter to March 31 — turnover will be about flat with the $4.4m of the second quarter , and profits down about breakeven ; the company blames the fact that it is converting an element of its Series 4000 products to a new Ethernet implementation and is experiencing unforeseen limitations of critical sole-source components .
3 Vienna , Virginia-based Legent Corp warns that it expects to report net profit of about $18.4m or $0.52 per share for the second quarter ended Aprch 31 , compared with the $0.44 before charges that it reported last year ; turnover will be about flat with the $102.5m a year ago : the news caused a bloodbath in the Legent share price , which slumped 16% , $6.125 , to land up at $33.25 .
4 The Princess said this one would be as model for the others .
5 ‘ Once he 's been picked up , ’ Bodie said , ‘ I 'll be off duty until the morning .
6 A good example of this is nuisance , for you can be liable for nuisance through the agency of your animals , just as you can be for nuisance through the agency of anything else you own .
7 The further out from York the new settlement goes the less self contained it will be , the more the tendency will be for travel into the city , which is the main service centre to be car based .
8 At the initiative of President Sir Roger de Grey several leading European artists will be showing their works , although these will not be for sale at the Academy .
9 ( 6 ) A tender offer must be for cash whereas a partial offer may be for securities of the offeror .
10 Walling may have one or two faces , so a one-face finish may not be suitable for using as the edge of a tread instead of a paving slab , but would be for use underneath the slab .
11 The men 's final will be between Star of the Sea and Annadale/Queen 's .
12 He wanted to be through Baghdad before the evening traffic .
13 That should be of concern to the Chancellor .
14 Most importantly , though , we have increased our knowledge and spread it more widely and this can only be of benefit for the future .
15 On the other hand the EEC Nine produces only 64% of its consumption of sheep meat and it is generally assumed that the UK with approximately 25% of the EEC sheep flock and as the leading producer of 50% of Community production is well placed to reap some advantage which could be of benefit to the hills and upland areas .
16 My Lord it will be helped in that situation in my submission by evidence from which is dealing with what is the accepted and standard practice in that solicitors in handling these forms of transactions and what advice is given my Lord undoubtedly that must be of benefit to the courts .
17 Quite apart from the help to me , I think it would be of benefit to the Society to encourage research , which would inevitably lead to a better understanding of the BCR 's difficulties and the important part it played in the district 's life .
18 Joan has worked very hard and conscientiously during her term of office but she feels that a fresh look at the job through a new treasurer in 1987 can only be of benefit to the Society .
19 The State has powers to alienate the rights of possessions to such " deserving grantees " ( the deserving grantees , according to Islamic law , are the landless , the warriors and others who serve the State , those who can actually cultivate the land , and those who have just embraced Islam ) who are able to put the land to productive use and to be of benefit to the society at large .
20 As well as involving our audiences more , it may also help to attract new members which can only be of benefit to the Society let's hope it will be a regular event .
21 However , with these examples , might it no be of benefit to the England side to increase the frequency of these News bulletins ?
22 His professional engineering career started on the truck side , and he sees his task mainly as miniaturisation to bring all the advantages of power and economy enjoyed by the heavy goods diesel driver down to the size where they can also be of benefit to the motorist .
23 Even if there is no directly relevant practice of the profession , the evidence of other practitioners as to what they do in similar cases and why , is likely to be of benefit to the court .
24 Others wanted to reconceptualise it as a process which could be of benefit to the school , and their department in particular .
25 A teacher Would have a good understanding of the ways in which Work Experience can be of benefit to the curriculum .
26 Formulations of definitive tests are always dangerous , but it seems to me that , without claiming to expound an exhaustive guide , the following provides a satisfactory working test for whether , in any given case , a covenant touches and concerns the land : ( 1 ) the covenant benefits only the reversioner for the time being , and if separated from the reversion ceases to be of benefit to the covenantee ; ( 2 ) the covenant affects the nature , quality , mode of user or value of the land of the reversioner ; ( 3 ) the covenant is not expressed to be personal ( that is to say neither being given only to a specific reversioner nor in respect of the obligations only of a specific tenant ) ; ( 4 ) the fact that a covenant is to pay a sum of money will not prevent it from touching and concerning the land so long as the three foregoing conditions are satisfied and the covenant is connected with something to be done on , or to in relation to the land .
27 Maybe in ten , fifteen years the situation may change , but I do n't think enlargement for enlargement 's sake is going to be of benefit to the E C.
28 Rather than lose a small but integral part of the community , the petition was raised to obtain facilities which would be of benefit to the community .
29 But supporting the application , Glyn Jones claimed the development would be of benefit to the area .
30 It may make the less good auditor concentrate his mind because he will feel that if he 's got a duty , he will have to do it , in which case it will be of benefit to the body politic . ’
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