Example sentences of "[be] [adj] when [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 'll be sorry when he 's sold his collection .
2 The value of the BPVT in terms of the assessment of language is likely to be greatest when it is used in conjunction with other forms of assessment , so that a comparison between different aspects of linguistic and cognitive functioning is possible .
3 So , if you have a low metabolism when you sleep , it will also probably be low when you are sitting or standing .
4 It should not be introduced at too early a stage ; teaching pupils a new dialect may be confusing when they are learning many other aspects of language use .
5 And you were n't you see you actually used to be interesting when you were talking and sit complete miserable bastard like Patrick does .
6 Got ta be careful when I 'm cooking , I shall have to have the window open me I 've got smoke alarms all over the place darling which is good in a flat .
7 They ai n't you wan na be careful when you 're walking down that park it 's
8 Have to be careful when you 're talking about that cos
9 Buying and caring for your new boat could n't be easier when you are dealing with Marine Secol .
10 We 're with the plays , with going to the festival of course , you ca n't , you must be serious when you 're practising for something like that .
11 NOTE Some drugs can be dangerous when they are taken at the same time as alcohol .
12 The press , as well as performing its role as the watchdog , must not be coy when it is called upon to turn the critical eye on itself .
13 The press , as well as performing its role as the watchdog , must not be coy when it is called upon to turn the critical eye on itself .
14 They have an awful lack of facilities , sloppy accommodation which may be inevitable when you 're uncfder the wing of a more glamorous institution like Grendon
15 Anyroad , he told himself , he 'd be glad when she was gone .
16 It ai n't cool to be cold when you 're trying to catch some kip after an energetic day 's walking .
17 Pete says that on one flight recently he was up in the air for nine hours so you have to take food and drink with you to keep going … in this country survival is not a problem but it can be hard when you 're flying across deserts and things like that
18 " It 's difficult to be patient when you 're dying of hypothermia . "
19 These women saw their tears as an important source of release from tension , yet they had been unable to persuade husbands or partners to be comfortable when they were crying , just to be there and let them cry .
20 Remember , a flexible joint has a margin of safety which can be useful when you are straining to reach those last few millimetres .
21 I wo n't be awake when they 're doing it cos
22 I like to be alone when I 'm beginning a painting — I do n't want anyone to speak to me then — but as the work progresses you want a bit of contact with somebody else .
23 The significance of this will be apparent when it is realized that , while the sportsman is trying to get a sight of the tiger , the tiger in all probability is trying to stalk the sportsman , or is lying up in wait for him .
24 Of course , you will be enthusiastic when you 're planning a programme .
25 Of all the detectives she could afford , Maureen had hired this odd little man who looked as though he were play-acting , managed to be obtrusive when he was doing absolutely nothing and carried around a herbal cure for his blocked nose .
26 ‘ It 'll be nice when it 's calmed down .
27 It can be frustrating when I 'm pursuing some grand design such as building a shed or planting a hedge ; but I suppose it teaches that life is a process of becoming .
28 Having started on the leash from the sitting position , you should also break the walk with the command ‘ sit ’ , as will be necessary when you are opening the car door , for example , or when you come to a road .
29 Societies should always be aware when they are launched that life is not always sweetness and light when the pressure is on and constitutions should be framed so that disputes do arrive the framework for settlement already exists .
30 The words blazed from lips now denuded of artificial colour , their natural flush wrought by the man — the enemy — she confronted , but she made herself be silent when they were said .
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