Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] [adv] [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The King is dead could be heard all over and everyone knew within minutes .
2 Of course if a number of horses are being fed in a paddock , their feedbins should be spaced well apart and there should be one for every horse .
3 ‘ Everything around playing has to be organised very carefully and he has to be mature in choosing the right time to play off the court .
4 Defended flowers can therefore be exploited more efficiently and it can pay a sunbird to defend a territory .
5 Well he can be lying there sometimes and I 'll say , will you roll over please .
6 My garage is to be demolished very soon and I am worried that the pneumatic drill which may be used to break up the concrete base will upset or even kill my fish in a pond about 20′ away .
7 Over his shoulder she glanced at the clock over the door — the hands seemed to be moving very fast and she was reluctant to say it was time she was going .
8 It is a sound which can be imitated fairly easily and I 've brought irate stags near by issuing an apparent challenge .
9 The individual who 's gon na be assertive is likely to be open and honest or likely to admit things that are not so good at honest those , but they 're not gon na necessarily apologise for those , they 're gon na treat those as statements of fact and they 're certainly gon na try and involve other people and actually say what do you think this , what are some ways forward er but it does n't mean that they 're gon na be walked all over and they still stand up for the things that they firmly believe in .
10 They may be packaged slightly differently but they are based upon the same unspoken tradition that underpinned my own short years at college .
11 In fact , you can argue and remonstrate until you are blue in the face but certain plans or arrangements can not be progressed just yet and you must simply sit tight and wait for the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th before making any drastic changes or decisions .
12 So he 'd say , ‘ I 'd like you to imagine going into a recording studio , you 've never met the band in your life , you 're going to do a session for them and you 're going to be paid very well and they 're all on Acid and they 're playing rockabilly .
13 She told them that she and Mike were going to be married very soon and they could have a look at her wedding dress as it was nearly finished .
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