Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] [conj] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , a basalt flow which is moving over a dry , sandy surface is quite well-behaved and peaceful , but if the same flow were to advance on to an area of wet , boggy ground , or on to a snow-field , the water trapped beneath the lava may be heated up and turned into high-pressure steam .
2 It took some time , but after 36 buns and a 40-ounce bottle of whiskey had been used up , the gulls were found to be reacting admirably and appeared to be enjoying the ‘ experiment ’ as much as the engineers .
3 Because we , we have a large amount of cash which it suits us to get rid of rather than take it to the bank er to be added up and charged for cash handling .
4 For example in Estate Agents documents the phrases ‘ within easy walking distance ’ and ‘ sought after ’ are very common , and for use in such a context , these would be included in or added to the compound lexicon .
5 Huge amounts of information can now be compressed digitally and sent in both directions along television cables .
6 More to the point , the passage has a rhythmic regularity which enables it to be written out and scanned as poetry in a quasi-blank-verse metre : He has learned an alphabet of arch and aisle : The language of dim stairs and moth-hung rafters .
7 Changes to expert systems would have to be done centrally and issued as amendments in a similar way to existing software or technical manual amendments .
8 Instead he believes priorities have to be drawn up and stuck to even if that means low-priority areas are ignored altogether as is already the case in some parts of the country .
9 A timetable covering the completion of our work and of the transaction under the terms of the engagement will be drawn up and agreed between the directors and us by [ date ] .
10 When dry the assemblies can now be gauged exactly and planed to width .
11 The economic strength of society is not something that can be peeled off and thought of separately from the quality of the life of those who are members of that society .
12 Salt was one of the very few necessaries of life that could not be produced anywhere and had to be transported from the centres of production on the sea coasts , on tidal rivers , and from certain inland centres .
13 And of course , if you look at it er , logically , I mean , for a a woman to be tied up and kept in a room , you know , and kept prisoner all her life you could hardly expect her to be sane even if she did
14 Fast scenarios may also be called up and reprojected in relation to the ongoing situation , so that the probable outcome of a current dilemma may be assessed .
15 Last night , Mr Baker dismissed questions about the possibility that interest rates could be raised again and refused to be drawn on whether the pound 's dip below DM3 on the exchange markets during the day signalled a change in policy .
16 He allowed his achievements to be played down or appropriated by George .
17 Nor were they in Europe , where it took off in a big way as the cult movie of the moment , especially in countries where the dire American dialogue could be dubbed over or subtitled with more viable prose .
18 Quite a crowd of people had gathered on the quay , but they were well behaved and they allowed ample room for the Wheel to be dragged ashore and stood on its rims .
19 In the years when no rain occurs between the last spraying of the vine and the harvest , the first sixty-five litres of the cuvée will often be tapped off and added to the taille .
20 The bombers could be brought down or exploded in the air by Surface-to-Air Missiles and SAMS were being turned out like sausages , according to Khrushchev , in order to ring Moscow and other cities .
21 ‘ The idea is for them eventually to be restored completely and turned into a working museum , ’ said Mr Rawlinson .
22 Her is an illustrated story to be lingered over and added to with discussion by adult readers or those introducing children not only to the magic of adventure and solid drawing but to the underlying message that is a sober reminder of our obligations to the life and lives of the earth .
23 My theory was that these were ‘ deer roasts ’ left by hunters in historic times , when the game would be cut up and cooked on the hill where it was slain .
24 The disclosure of these plans forced a premature announcement that two plants — Cowley South and Llanelli Pressings — were to be run down and closed in the early 1990s with the loss of about 3,400 jobs .
25 Some people believe that gossip should not be indulged in or listened to .
26 When the cork is extracted the slush-like sediment shoots out of the bottle and , because the rest of the wine remaining in the bottle is at a much lower temperature than normal , the gas is reluctant to escape , hence there is no spray of foam and the bottle may be topped up and recorked with a minimal loss of pressure .
27 The system will be held together and policed by a franchising authority and a rail regulator .
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