Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] be [adj -er] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In brief , requisitioning was unpopular , not least since it was often carried out in the period between spring and autumn when trading and fishing conditions might normally be expected to be better than at other times of the year .
2 In addition , coelocentesis does not involve puncture of the amniotic membrane and therefore the risk of direct trauma to the embryo or chronic amniotic fluid leakage would be expected to be lower than with amniocentesis .
3 I have no doubt that , when the time comes and we push our tax through , it will be seen to be fairer than the Labour alternative .
4 Some of Freud 's patients became more rational in their understanding of their problems , and they could therefore be said to be nearer than non-patients to the standard Freud held up as worthy of human beings .
5 However , it may be said to be fairer than the Community Charge in that the tax does , at least , rise with the value of the house and it is reasonable to assume that those living in more expensive houses have higher incomes than those living in less expensive dwellings .
6 The presentation appearance of the horizontal moon , for instance , can properly , though falsely , be said to be larger than the presentation appearance of the meridian moon .
7 But I think once they 've gone off the road now it 's gon na be gon na be worse when the , when the engine stops ?
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