Example sentences of "[that] [indef pn] [vb past] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It became clear that nothing had been gained by removing the prince , especially as another ruler had now to be found .
2 His village was at the upper end of the valley in which the woman of Lohali had been killed the previous week , and he told me that nothing had been heard of the man-eater since , and added that the animal was possibly now at the other end of the district .
3 There had been no word from Steve or Maria Lisa and though there was no time element concerned with this contract she was still a little worried that nothing had been accomplished with the airlines and tourist board in Palma .
4 Once we 'd established that nothing had been left behind Emily went off to catch a bus and I decided that no one would mind if I popped my head round the doors of the suite of rooms which George had occupied .
5 He would be certain , positive , that he was about to walk Into a tree , or a post or sign he had n't noticed ; even that somebody had been watching from behind a tree and was about to leap out and punch him hard on the nose .
6 To be seriously concerned with this field was to expose oneself to the possibility of ridicule when it turned out that one had been deceived by a clever confidence trickster ; at best it led to controversy , to results which were suggestive rather than conclusive , and away from those straightforward and answerable questions which since Galileo 's time had been the essence of scientific research .
7 Rumours of such ‘ snuff ’ movies had been carefully fostered in the New York Press with accounts of private screenings at Mafia parties , and when it was claimed that one had been acquired for public exhibition , it was advertised with the slogan : ‘ Blood Money , the film that could only be made in South America … where Life is CHEAP ! ’
8 The driver was apparently unfamiliar with the area , and the need to call directions forward made questions and conversation impossible ; the only responses he could get were Langstone , a promise of explanations later , and another reassurance that everything had been cleared through his office .
9 No indication that anyone had been killed in it or done anything else in it but sit in it .
10 It said that human exposure to the gases were below government limits and there was no evidence that anyone had been harmed by them .
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