Example sentences of "[that] [n mass] [vb mod] [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There was a considerable shortage of skilled designers and draughtsmen , and , despite several years of efforts , and assurances by Hacking that headquarters would build up their design expertise , recruitment problems remained .
2 What does my right hon. Friend think that people would say when they got their weekend grocery shopping if there was a little item on the end of the bill which read , ’ This bill includes £18 hidden subsidy , the result of the CAP ’ ?
3 We could explain to viewers that cars are now built by robots , and use computer graphics so that people will understand how they 're being totally dehumanised … ’
4 A nutritional breakdown of each recipe is provided so that people can check how their choice of dish matches with current government advice on healthy eating .
5 So , as far as the , the erm , erm , report is concerned er , if I 've got to make a recommendation , because obviously people have got different views on this one , it would be in fact that we go for total er , information so that people can make up their own minds , and if , and it might be wrong , but they can exercise their own prejudices .
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