Example sentences of "[that] [vb -s] [prep] [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Yet the only waste that goes into the sea and which has sparked the dramatic protests by the Greenpeace organisation , has been ‘ low-level ’ , or mildly-contaminated materials .
2 Now that the early patents have expired and much of the know-how lies in the public domain , it is essential that the considerable effort that goes into the design and development of new integrated circuits is protected .
3 and the tray , that 's it though , that is it actual Christmas drink that goes round the room and then the presents come out I look out the window and the snow blow
4 The traditional unit is a box that sits between the mains and the AC-in socket on your computer .
5 In relation to the tap and glass metaphor we can think of these as being something like a plunger that fits over the glass and which forces down the level of stress .
6 The relationship that develops between the girls and the workers is quite unique .
7 I never tire of watching this strange beast that lurches like a turkey and sways its neck like a swan .
8 The Indian was telling him about this little fish that lives in the river and — you can guess the rest ! ! !
9 The tourists ignore him , like they ignore the battered silver Capri that crunches up the drive and dispenses a solid , mature dread into the yard .
10 ‘ You see how easy it is , McAllister , ’ he whispered suddenly , and he kissed the top of her head , ‘ when it is love that lies between a man and a woman , and not hate and fear . ’
11 Now er over the last few days we 've been er talking quite a lot about er that statue you know the one that 's down by er down by Marks and Spencers that 's the best way to describe where it is the leaf stand the er the one that looks like a tulip and water dribbles down the side of it .
12 Because of this , certain species , such as this banded butterfly fish , possess an eye-stripe , a dark line that passes through the eye and hides its presence .
13 Its my own personal opinion that the only true love and er I have to honestly say I 've never heard love here defined as I would as the totally unconditional love that happens between a woman and a child , probably from the moment of birth that bonds them through life , that 's the only love that I could ever admit to .
14 You 've been brought up in a television age and you 've been particularly been brought up in an age of card cartoons and soap operas and in all of those you would er expect to see good being oppressed that 's part of the plot in every cartoon there is a plot in every soap opera , that the good the good people actually end up in difficult situations and the way that results in the cartoons and in the soap operas is usually find revenge or punishment .
15 The breach of the special trust that exists between a child and a parent is no less violated where sexual acts other than vaginal penetration are induced or performed .
16 It is only the relationship that exists between the counsellee and the counsellor that will help in this respect .
17 This was one more example of ‘ the undeclared war that exists between the shareholders and the institution ’ .
18 Thank you Chairman erm I would like I know that you 've been listening to the first er part of our session this afternoon , erm and I 'd like to ask you to discuss with us one of the questions that we asked the group the Pension Fund erm and that 's to discuss the balance of power that exists between the employer and the various groups and classes of pensioner .
19 I found it disappointing , therefore , that your article omitted to mention the significant degree of cooperation that exists between the IoT and the Faculty .
20 This places the Library-College movement somewhere along the road that leads to the free-schoolers and de-schoolers , which will strike the reader as odd considering the sophistication and media-centredness of the facilities they envisage .
21 Detritus — Also sometimes known as mulm , this describes the mixture of tiny waste items that gathers at the bottom and in the filters of any tank set-up .
22 It has a digestive tract that ends in an anus and a group of tentacles around the mouth , enclosed within the two shell valves .
23 ACCORDING to present usage , the term meteorite applies to any natural object from an outside source that plunges through the atmosphere and is collected on the Each .
24 Whether they believe that we change through investigation of the unconscious mind , through investigation of the relationship that forms between a therapist and client , through group experience or through changing patterns of behaviour will depend to some extent on which one of these experiences they can best identify with themselves .
25 One of the other things I found that people are conflicting in the paper erm is of people having to travel further erm if I can just yes , on pa , on page three , paragraph this is the choice that seems of the area and the travel and on page four , paragraph one the version says that local people will still get a choice of i in the London hospitals .
26 But people worried about blowing their minds with cellular radiation may not have to worry too much longer — James Plante , head of Dynaspek Inc of Westmont , Illinois says he plans to market a copper alloy shield that fixes to the antenna and protects users from radiation : ‘ I conceived this back in 1985 , but when all the media hype came out , we decided to go ahead and produce it , ’ said Plante of his Cell Shield , a several-inch long semi-circular metal sheet resembling a shoe-horn ; it will be $30 .
27 Consider the typical structure of a news broadcast which opens with the ‘ headlines ’ — a set of summary statements — which are followed by a news item that consists of an expansion and repetition of the first headline , in which is embedded a comment from ‘ our man on the spot ’ that recapitulates the main points again , then , at the end of the broadcast , there is a repetition of the set of headlines .
28 th th there 's , basically there 's an ord it has an ordinary editor which is sub right , it 's an ASCII editor that appears in a window and it 's for using , for editing the ASCII files .
29 A systems approach to budgeting that focuses on the outcomes and objectives of government policy can not avoid controversy .
30 It is a power that seeps out of the earth itself , a distillation of the magical energy that flows over the world and settles into the soil and rocks from where it is driven by the harsh cold of winter .
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