Example sentences of "[that] [vb mod] [adv] [be] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Bleached bodies lie beached in the full heat , revealing sights that should never be disclosed to the closest lover let alone half of Teesside .
2 Those that have substantial incomes should not be in a position to take up houses that might otherwise be allocated to those on a lower income and Mr Mayor i as a result of this I feel that that I would urge this council , although I suspect I shall be unsuccessful , in supporting this motion .
3 While the information assembled here facilitates the design and implementation of interventions that might reasonably be expected to be effective , chapter 9 shows that there is little firm evidence to demonstrate such effectiveness in many specific high-risk situations .
4 In 1990 , the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys has told me , there were 150 deaths in England and Wales that could reasonably be attributed to liver failure after paracetamol overdosage , and of these , 119 were either certain or probable suicides .
5 It was a piece of pure mathematics that could easily be applied to letters and pictures on a page .
6 By the middle of the Devonian the lobe-finned fish had acquired a suitable set of bones and muscles , and a stumpy fin arrangement that could easily be adapted to a four-footed locomotion .
7 If you multiply that up , that is £250,000 worth of money that could then be given to alternative developments .
8 But once the reforms really bite — signs would be a sharp rise in unemployment a far bigger influx of private western investment and radical currency reform — then it would be worth offering the sort of help that could sensibly be given to reforming debtors in Latin America : capitalization of interest payments above a certain share of export earnings .
9 A judgment that could never be applied to either the Edgar Broughton Band or The Deviants , two fabulously freaky bands whose message was delivered with all the subtlety of a Molotov cocktail .
10 The employee earning more than £5,000 or the director will be assessed on the benefit received by him on the basis of the cost to the employer rather than the price that would generally be charged to the public .
11 The day that would soon be drawing to its close had been one of the most wonderful he had experienced : the theft , the murder , the link between the theft and the murder — yes , all now known .
12 Most legal departments in industry merely do the work that would ordinarily be entrusted to a solicitor ; sometimes it is largely confined to routine conveyancing and the drawing of contracts , but a much wider field may be touched , including the formation of subsidiary companies , company finance , insurance and employers ' liability , patents , trade marks — there is , in fact , hardly any limit to the economic activities upon which a large corporation may engage .
13 She knew she was handling this badly , acting like a fool , making a scene because she could n't face the pretence , could n't face having to stifle her feelings , her crazy and immature hopes — hopes that would always be doomed to failure where a man like Luke Denner was concerned .
14 Anything that will ultimately be displeasing to God is included in the idea of ‘ obeying in the Lord ’ .
15 That is the theory , at any rate , and it is one that will now be put to the test by two league games , against Motherwell and Hearts , and two cup-ties , domestic and European , with FC Brugge and Arbroath , all within the next 12 days .
16 The minimal information about the candidates that will actually be sent to those nurses on the electoral roll can only enable people to make voting choices on the basis of assumptions or stereotypes .
17 But , as he admits , ‘ Putting them in a proper order is a matter that will never be settled to everyone 's satisfaction . ’
18 If one manages to find the simplest method at the first attempt that can mostly be attributed to good luck .
19 Another example that can loosely be referred to as scavenging is bone collecting by harvester ants ( Shipman & Walker , 1980 ) .
20 For Ullman is concerned with types of perceptual process that can plausibly be attributed to many animal species .
21 This explains why women place a high priority on the right words , soft music , anything that can generally be attributed to romance .
22 2.7 The difficulty is compounded by the fact that the idea of association can correspond to a wide range of referential or " factual " relationships ( just as can the ascriptive use of an adjective or the qualifying use of a subordinate noun ) ; and , importantly , this is true not only of those relations that can ultimately be reduced to arrangements of objects in the physical world , but also of those that depend on human judgements and evaluations , e.g. relations of loving or resemblance ; all these we shall consider as factual relations by contrast with syntactic relations .
23 The costing of functions is done by estimating the proportion of the part cost that can notionally be attributed to each function to which it contributes .
24 The costing of functions is done by estimating the proportion of the part cost that can notionally be attributed to each function to which it contributes .
25 It is felt that this approach provides a general procedure having wide applications , instead of producing a very specific " tailor made " system that can only be applied to one company .
26 This makes it possible for anybody to create a professionally polished performance that can then be shown to an audience using either the Mac itself , 35 mm slides or overhead projector foils , backed up with printed handouts and speaker notes .
27 By far the best service that can now be done to these pubs , both for ourselves and future generations , is to leave well alone .
28 You see , on programmes like Crime Watch U K , where erm they 've got these Aladdin 's caves on all these stolen items that can never be returned to their owners , it 's very , very difficult to sort of mark silverware and things like that without devaluing it ?
29 The story is an intricate one , as Herbert Schneidau acknowledges ; and Pound 's holding out against Ford for the Dantesque principle of a ‘ curial ’ diction ( see his introduction to the poems of Lionel Johnson ) represents to my mind an objection that can still be raised to Ford 's principles of diction , salutary as Ford 's polemics undoubtedly were for Pound at this time .
30 The prevailing notion among them is one of a versatile , professional competence , constantly kept in trim by a cappella performance , that can readily be turned to music more ambitious and enjoyable when liturgical duties are over .
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