Example sentences of "[that] [vb mod] [be] [vb pp] to a " in BNC.

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1 There is a passage in Wittgenstein 's Philosophical Investigations in which he compares an answer that may be given to a philosophical question about someone else 's pain with an answer that may be given to a question about the meaning of ‘ It is 5 o'clock on the sun ’ .
2 There is a passage in Wittgenstein 's Philosophical Investigations in which he compares an answer that may be given to a philosophical question about someone else 's pain with an answer that may be given to a question about the meaning of ‘ It is 5 o'clock on the sun ’ .
3 This applies both to standard reports that may be added to a report library to be called off on demand and to ad hoc reports that are produced to answer a special request .
4 Questions , however , might arise about whether a dispute is a valuation/technical dispute to be referred to an expert or one that should be referred to an arbitral tribunal or the court .
5 Since fusion , courts have been able to administer both law and equity but the distinction between , on the one hand , the costs to be allowed to a successful mortgagee/litigant and , on the other hand , the costs that should be allowed to a mortgagee on the taking of an account in a redemption or foreclosure action remains a real one .
6 Quite a lot ; but two main areas that should be left to a builder will be all structural work to the roof , such as forming the dormer windows , and alterations to the rafters ; and supplying and fixing the additional staircase , which must be correctly fitted and properly secured .
7 In my judgment these passages from Lord Wilberforce 's speech express the approach and the principles that must be applied to a non est factum plea .
8 The Syrians watched impassively as one of the Christian gunmen produced a camera , the kind of small pocket camera that might be given to a child as a Christmas present .
9 It is exactly the kind of work that might be suited to a poet of Smart 's mind recovering from a severe mental illness .
10 Bacon said that there were three kinds of gift that might be offered to a judge : the first were bribes given in advance to pervert the course of justice ; the second were presents given when the judge thought the case was over .
11 A difficulty is that Mercier 's brushwork , and an essential freedom in his style , does not lend itself to the same kind of minute scrutiny that could be applied to a painter like Zoffany .
12 They were huge wheeled galvanised cylinders , each taller than a man and of the kind that could be chained to a garbage wagon and then hoisted and inverted in one great burst of hydraulic power .
13 The Milanese turned to reconstruction with a will , deciding that everything that could be returned to an ‘ as before ’ condition should be .
14 Any job that could be fully prepared for in advance is , by definition , a job that could be exported to a low-wage country or programmed into robots and computers ; a routine job is a job destined to disappear .
15 NME news editor Chris Hutchin interviewed Elvis ' manager and found that Colonel Tom Parker had yet to see any of his charge 's films : ‘ I went to see Kid Galahad but the theatre was full an ’ I did n't see the point of taking a seat that could be sold to a paying customer . ’
16 It is the name that can be given to a historical construct .
17 They are designed to maximise retail selling space at investment levels that can be matched to a variety of business options , and to provide growth potential in non traditional locations , at significantly lower capital investment compared to the traditional concept .
18 Another way in which the cat 's sound system appears much more complex than that of other species is in the degree of variation that can be applied to a single type of call .
19 But perhaps the most interesting extension that can be made to a Murten visit is to make the very short journey of only 8km ( 5 miles ) either by road No 1 , or by rail on the same line as from Kerzers to Murten The destination is the small town of Avenches , which stands on a hill just north of the bypassing main road No1 which runs across the Mittelland plateau from Bern to Lausanne .
20 And we are encouraging managers to be sympathetic to the sudden disruption of working hours that can be caused to a parent of either sex responsible for children .
21 It also has to have some mechanism by which the latent TL signal is zeroed that can be related to an archaeological or geological event of interest .
22 For those churches not vested in the Redundant Churches Fund or retained by the Board of Finance of the diocese , two categories can be perceived : a ) those that will be demolished ( although the Advisory Board may initially withhold a demolition certificate ) and b ) those that can be adapted to a range of alternative uses .
23 Unless we can devise an IQ test that can be administered to an embryo in utero , there is no way of deciding what are the limits of a person 's intelligence potential .
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