Example sentences of "[that] [vb mod] [be] [vb pp] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is a passage in Wittgenstein 's Philosophical Investigations in which he compares an answer that may be given to a philosophical question about someone else 's pain with an answer that may be given to a question about the meaning of ‘ It is 5 o'clock on the sun ’ .
2 There is a passage in Wittgenstein 's Philosophical Investigations in which he compares an answer that may be given to a philosophical question about someone else 's pain with an answer that may be given to a question about the meaning of ‘ It is 5 o'clock on the sun ’ .
3 Wittgenstein does not compare other answers that may be given to the two questions .
4 The NNW–SSE orientation of early Permian nonmarine sedimentary basins reflects a changing tectonic style that may be related to the early opening of the north Atlantic .
5 Groups that may be related to the eldoniids include rotadiscids , paropsonemids and Velumbrella .
6 Turbulent flows have much higher entrainment rates than the corresponding laminar flows , a fact that may be related to the additional dissipation by the velocity fluctuations .
7 Note 1 : The ‘ number of channels ’ specifies the number of analogue inputs that may be connected to the ADC chip .
8 The same procedure should be followed in the case of other searches , the Schedules that may be attached to the official Certificate of Search , and also answers to your preliminary enquiries and requisitions on title made of the seller .
9 Well it 's impossible at the moment , with the media coverage and the erm information about war and the situation in the Gulf , not to touch children , however careful the adults around them may be , and it 's very important for us as adults to not be so caught up , in our excitement perhaps even , about what 's going on and all the razzmatazz that may be attached to the sort of glory of whose ever side they may be on that we forget the extent to which children are very much affected by how they see the adults around them respond to what 's going on .
10 Features include : Stopwatch — from th sec to 9 hrs 59 min 59.99 secs. 30 lap memory , countdown alarm that may be set to the second , pre-set split times for accurate analysis of race pace .
11 This applies both to standard reports that may be added to a report library to be called off on demand and to ad hoc reports that are produced to answer a special request .
12 Questions , however , might arise about whether a dispute is a valuation/technical dispute to be referred to an expert or one that should be referred to an arbitral tribunal or the court .
13 They conclude : ‘ On the basis of our review , we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the interim financial information as presented , and in our opinion it has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by the group in its statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1991 . ’
14 Another qualification that should be made to the picture of a rising trend in women 's paid work is that , as can been seen in figure 10.1 , participation in full-time employment has not risen .
15 One qualification that should be made to the general formula that Lord Goddard laid down in Hinchcliffe v. Sheldon is that it appears to make a person guilty of obstructing by omission , and the view may be expressed that this is not the law .
16 In addition to information about who is conducting the case and as to complaints procedures the Law Society 's guide suggests further information that should be given to the client at appropriate times .
17 Fourth , there is a general duty to report on matters arising from the accounts that should be brought to the attention of the council and the public .
18 Since fusion , courts have been able to administer both law and equity but the distinction between , on the one hand , the costs to be allowed to a successful mortgagee/litigant and , on the other hand , the costs that should be allowed to a mortgagee on the taking of an account in a redemption or foreclosure action remains a real one .
19 Whatever view he decides to take , he will in effect be indicating in a clear and unequivocal way the weight that should be attached to the objective of long term landscape protection which is so central to the purposes of National Park designation .
20 Quite a lot ; but two main areas that should be left to a builder will be all structural work to the roof , such as forming the dormer windows , and alterations to the rafters ; and supplying and fixing the additional staircase , which must be correctly fitted and properly secured .
21 Politics , like sex education , is something that should be left to the family . ’
22 In my judgment these passages from Lord Wilberforce 's speech express the approach and the principles that must be applied to a non est factum plea .
23 For such a beginning writer in such a situation , it may well turn out that a minor master like Landor is more fruitfully instructive than a major master like Milton or Keats : and if it does turn out so , one has a certain debt of honour that must be paid to the past master by whom one was liberated .
24 In addition to the courtesy the partners show to each other , there are also the courtesies that must be shown to the bystanders on stage during a pas de deux so that such reciprocation can help to focus the audience 's attention on the context of the dance .
25 The Syrians watched impassively as one of the Christian gunmen produced a camera , the kind of small pocket camera that might be given to a child as a Christmas present .
26 Penn , Topham , Burgess and Benezek were asked to deal with any proposals that might be made to the committee regarding a building that would be suitable as a hospital , and Messrs Shepperson and Reynolds of Oxford Street were appointed ( for what immediate purpose is not clear ) booksellers and stationers to the institution .
27 It is exactly the kind of work that might be suited to a poet of Smart 's mind recovering from a severe mental illness .
28 The crime was paradoxical , namely , the mere profession of Christianity , the name itself , rather than any crimes that might be attributed to the name by association .
29 Bacon said that there were three kinds of gift that might be offered to a judge : the first were bribes given in advance to pervert the course of justice ; the second were presents given when the judge thought the case was over .
30 And I think the main question , and the best question that could be asked to the audience if they really
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