Example sentences of "[that] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Care must be taken when using these servos to avoid stalling them against the end-stops as large currents will be drawn by the servo amplifier that may eventually cause permanent damage .
2 If it merely has a few extra grammes of plutonium squirrelled away ( something explicable as an oversight — or the ‘ oops ’ factor ) , then it might be ready to end its quarrel with the rest of the world in return for a deal that could even bring diplomatic recognition from America , together with trade and aid from South Korea and Japan .
3 The company 's employees have embarked on a strike that could seriously disrupt international air travel if it lasts for more than a few weeks .
4 ( Strictly speaking , ‘ current ’ is a jargon term that need not indicate present time , as the example in the next section shows . )
5 Collectivist principles were still seen ( by at least some on the left ) to provide a coherent and viable strategy that would both sustain economic growth and support the Welfare State .
6 The ebullience with which Nizan highlighted the disenchantment of Hitler 's own petty bourgeois supporters confronted by impending economic ruin , the logical outcome of a Nazi political dictatorship , was tempered only by an awareness that such economic ruin might ultimately only be avoided by a massive rearmament programme and a policy of fascist colonial expansion that would seriously undermine international security .
7 In reality that would only increase white racism and try to solve with money a problem that can not be bribed away .
8 The mouth was a mouth no longer , but a muzzle , a pointed snarling maw with snapping teeth that would certainly rend human flesh to shreds , with a lolling red tongue that would snake out and lick the blood and the marrow …
9 But the cynical depravity of this outrage — placing a bomb that would inevitably cause massive damage to a national health service hospital and was intended to kill medical staff when it exploded and which , only by great good fortune , did not cause many more deaths and injuries — must surely mark one of the lowest points in the IRA 's inglorious history .
10 Having identified the relevant markets , the Commission will then consider : ( a ) whether either of the parties already enjoys a dominant position in any such market which will be strengthened by the merger ; or ( b ) whether the concentration will create a dominant position in any such market ; and ( c ) whether ( if a dominant position will be created or strengthened ) that will significantly impede effective competition in the common market or a substantial part of it .
11 Made from flexible synthetic compound that wo n't support bacterial growth , its self-sealing flanges grip the insides of almost any cistern .
12 Some Latin American educationalists predict that the ensuing frustration of an educated population that can not find appropriate work , will lead to social conflict .
13 Chairman , I believe that this is just the sort of motion that can only bring local government into disrepute It 's an abuse of power the council holds lands in the county farms estate for purposes set out in the nineteen sixty agriculture act .
14 But do n't fall into the trap of considering Newport a side that can only play ten-man rugby .
15 Utilising electronic organisation and desktop publishing will allow students to gain familiarity with current systems that can directly affect overall cost effectiveness of a solution ; as well as providing the opportunity for evaluating the effectiveness of new technology , its commercial viability and its impact on the visual communication of information .
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