Example sentences of "[that] [subord] [adv] she [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And she thought , as she sat there translating a piece of Polyeucte , that if ever she could find the personages for the rest of her tragedy , then her happiness would be complete .
2 She felt that if only she could reach her father-in-law and confront him with her fears for George 's safety , he would somehow make everything all right .
3 Scarlet had just thrown away a bunch of dried Proveņcal flowers which had adorned her sideboard for over a year and was already feeling slightly better : she thought that if only she could rearrange all the furniture , she might be cured , but it seemed too drastic a step to take .
4 Rosalba felt that if only she could stop blinking and concentrate totally on the sweet and grieving countenance of the Madonna of the Spasm , she would catch the fleeting flutter of her eyelids and twitch of her lips as she granted Rosa 's prayer .
5 She was convinced that if only she could find ‘ a knight in shining armour ’ , her life would be transformed .
6 The trees shed a radiance of their own , turning the air green and gold ; and Ruth felt that if only she could escape alone into those dreaming glades , all the despair and dread would be lifted from her .
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