Example sentences of "[that] [vb past] be [vb pp] from the " in BNC.

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1 But more often the allocation of billets reflected social relations and deferential attitudes in rural society , as when , according to one MP , at Inverary in Scotland 150 women and children were housed in a cold hall , with bedding of dirty mattresses and sacks of straw ‘ with a broad arrow on them , that had been obtained from the local jail ’ , while near by the Duke of Argyll 's castle was left uninhabited .
2 He thought of the latrine and the T-junction of a water-main pipe , and a hole that had been carved from the snow and frozen earth , and a screw top cover that was lagged at night , and a place that was in shadow from the arc lamps of the perimeter fences .
3 ‘ It was some of the WIN files that had been withdrawn from the Registry — the dossiers cross-referenced from Mills ’ personnel file . ’
4 They crossed M Street and kept going and in a doorway she snatched off the wig and beret and rammed them into the shoulder bag that had been expanded from the purse she had been carrying before .
5 Capron had even provided the gun that had been fished from the pond on the heath .
6 There was a rough railway that had been built from the plant to an almost worked-out pit .
7 Published eventually in five volumes on fossil mammalia , mammalia , birds , fish , and reptiles , respectively , the Zoology , openly claimed for science some of the many new species that had been named from the Beagle 's collection .
8 Goods that had been imported from the Continent may then have become powerful social tools by their redistribution through the social system , and in this way they form part of the subject of internal exchange .
9 When Rough returned home to Glasgow the CID swooped on his house trying to recover a colour television set that had been stolen from the hotel .
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