Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] were [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And yet , we 're told that you were seen around the grounds of Burleigh yesterday evening . ’
2 Ah right yes so let me see , you were the one who said that you were getting to the S P S S stage or something were you ?
3 But you would have to be awfully sure that you were destined for the gallows to put to sea in a small boat during a storm .
4 I had heard that you were staying at the farm , ’ Claudine stated , condescending to look at Jenna for the first time .
5 Eventually you will reach the point where you will wonder why one thumb appears to be getting tired and will look down to find that you were holding on a lot of stick trim without even being aware of it !
6 Say to us if you can say it , that you were sent by the Creative Power to talk to us .
7 There , you could ask a dozen out to dinner at the last moment knowing that you were supported by the twin pillars of traiteur and pâtisserie only a telephone call away .
8 When Pietro told us that you were going on the pay-off I felt that you should know what you were getting yourself into . ’
9 I also heard that you were selling to a surgeon from the hospital . ’
10 Tell me , during the , er , ‘ minute or so ’ that you were sitting in the alcove , did you see Norman Pinder walk along the gallery ? ’
11 Maelmuire has nothing to fear from you now , nor have I. What was that you were saying about the next generation — and where and what they would rule ?
12 You 've said before that you were put off trumpet , and that you were drawn to the guitar because it was the instrument that your parents most feared .
13 And then we come to the red shift , in fact , that you were talking about a minute ago .
14 laughter so that by the time we came to do the five practical ev exercises you know everybody was in a very relaxed and jolly mood but I think that 's was it 's about but from the results that we were getting from the practical exercises clearly what he said had taken root you know roll key words , roll them around in your mind er try running through letters of the alphabet to match up with your key word chains and you know if if if the word is ball try roll see if you can get it to rhyme and ultimately the creme de la creme is if you can actually get the title of a song or
15 It was only through my presence of mind that we were saved from a frightful scandal . ’
16 Although we both knew that we were acting from the best possible motives , I argued , other people were always ready to place a malicious interpretation on their neighbours ' doings and it might therefore be better to wait before breaking the news .
17 The right hon. Gentleman said that the previous set of talks had concluded , and that we were looking at the new basis for talks .
18 I just wanted to come back on er David Potter 's assertion that we were looking for a a higher allocation under I five and I I thought I 'd specifically covered that point by saying that that was n't what we were looking for because that would n't address the sort of development we 're talking about here .
19 The fact that we were looking towards the United States might have been an acceptable concept during the war , but it has been an unacceptable concept for the past 12 years , during which Europe has been creating itself and showing an enthusiasm for a single European currency and a central bank and for increasing the powers of the European Community 's institutions .
20 Let me try to explain to the hon. Gentleman and his hon. Friend the Member for Oldham , West that we were faced with an undoubted campaign to swamp the arrangements for deciding such cases .
21 The fact that women were less likely to go absent but more likely to be in unfavourable jobs meant that we were misled about the effect of low status jobs on absence before we controlled for sex .
22 It was on a fishing expedition in late autumn a year or two ago that we were visited by a number of pomarine skuas , no doubt birds from northern Siberia which were making their way towards wintering quarters in the south Atlantic .
23 After a few moments the snuffles and grunts were overlaid by a voice explaining in sympathetically conspiratorial tones that we were listening to the sounds made by mating koalas in the Pilliga Nature Reserve in New South Wales .
24 Will my right hon. Friend consider the remarks of the hon. Member for Caithness and Sutherland ( Mr. Maclennan ) , who suggested that we were moving towards a cross-border liberalisation and liberation ?
25 We were talking just last night about how the people here seem to love us , and I said , ‘ Well , I do n't really take that personally — more that we were connected with a happening . ’
26 My own suggestion that we were dealing with a whole nest of Mata Haris was declared plausible but incorrect while Team C , consisting of two middle-aged couples , produced two theories , the second of which named me as a potential mole !
27 And when I say I asked for more polenta , you will know that we were dealing with an intake situation of Road to Damascus proportions .
28 It felt , as we struggled up the last , steepest stage of the hillside , that we were swimming in the white light of the sun .
29 We went off to parade for lunch ; this meant ten minutes doing press-ups with the Corporal halting us in mid exercise so that we were poised between the ground and the arms-stretched position — as our limbs weakened so people started to slump and collapse , which resulted in kicks and blows .
30 Well , I mean you may be right I ca n't be I 'm not I 'm not absolutely certain myself but er it would be nice to think that we were represented at a local authority level , yeah , by different cross-sections of our community .
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