Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] would [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But even though I was in love , I did n't hide from myself the fact that I would be unhappy with Estella .
2 Fire extinguishers may seem a good idea , but there are so many types to be used for so many different sorts of fires that I would be nervous of escalating a fire , rather than killing it , by using the wrong type of extinguisher .
3 Did you imagine that I would be grateful for the attention ?
4 I have made it a point of honour to spare you moral blackmail of the ‘ Do you honestly suppose for a single moment that I would be capable of stooping to such beastliness ? ’ variety , and I shall not waver even at this supreme moment .
5 It did occur to me that since everyone seemed to be playing a game with rules unknown to me , Robert might not be concerned only that I would be bored by myself , but he might want me to go with him for reasons of his own .
6 I decided that I would have to get to the Butcher 's office first or at least early on in the queue so that I would be barefoot for as short a time as possible .
7 He also informed me that I would be mad by the age of 21 .
8 He is the most considerate of men , and he 'd know that I would be worried about him . "
9 The reason I ask is that I would be interested in knowing where Leeds are in the attendance league .
10 He told me , before I first went to England in 1947 , to make sure I came back for the next Australian season so that I would be eligible for selection for the '48 tour .
11 Another of the things that I would be concerned about is the twin track economic approach , with IDB on the one hand and LEDU on the other and them being worlds apart .
12 With agonising clarity she realised that she could n't fool herself that she would be content with that and , however tempting it was to take what he had to offer , no questions asked , it was n't good enough for her .
13 She must look at two other things , hard and solid , so that she would be strong for the battle ahead .
14 The special state prosecutor in charge of the case said that she would be appealing against the Supreme Court 's ruling .
15 Diana no longer felt so different because of her parents ' divorce but because a voice inside her told her that she would be separate from the herd .
16 Faye had said last night that she would be welcome at the informal gathering , but , ‘ I 'm planning to visit my family , ’ Belinda had explained truthfully , after politely declining the invitation .
17 She saw Edouard first — she had positioned herself so that she would be able to .
18 And was it likely that she would be free at such short notice ?
19 Only I do n't know how I should set about finding a home , let alone one that she would be happy in . ’
20 More happily , a colleague told me of a seventeen-year-old girl in his last parish who was cruelly told that she would be dead in a year .
21 If you have no one to visit you , then you can tell the nurse that you would be grateful for a hospital visitor .
22 That you were going to write , that you would be good at it , you 'd not be one of the ones who never made it , oh you had all the fine phrases , all the dreams .
23 I have learnt of your work via my colleague in Hong Kong , Fiona Lauder , who says that you would be interested in contributing a script which could fit into our Resources Books for Teachers series .
24 Erm I have no doubt in my own mind that you would be able to erm launch into this without any problem because of your experience .
25 and on page seventy eight there is one of those tables , it follows from your previous answer , that you would be responsible for the figures of six pounds , thirty five at the top , nine pounds , fifty five and twelve pounds , seventy
26 I might as well suggest one that you would be happy with and that 's medical .
27 In making them available under the terms of an existing contract , we made it clear that we would be concerned about early delivery to Argentina . ’
28 there 's a hundred thousand pounds worth of claims th then there are more fees that we would be entitled to .
29 Alex Stein has already been in touch with you , however I would formally confirm that we would be interested in such a publicity campaign for Council Tax at about the time bills are being issued in April .
30 Sarah believed that Tess and Rob were so devoted to George that they would be close to him , no matter where he was .
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