Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] would [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 I had set my sights on getting a good position in training so that I would be sent to the 2ème Régiment Étranger de Parachutistes .
2 She smiled dazzlingly at the little reporter and hoped that she would be referred to as ‘ charming ’ .
3 She had arranged to meet Luke in the bar for a drink , and she hoped that he had a dinner engagement so that she would be left to her own devices afterwards .
4 ‘ She felt pressurised that she would be expected to be as career-orientated as she was before having the baby , ’ says Sandra , ‘ so she works with us because we are relaxed about it — if she does n't want to work on Wednesday , that 's fine , she can work on Friday instead .
5 His next letter offered her marriage to save her from the dreadful future of stripping off that she would be subjected to otherwise .
6 Behind Lord Denning 's concern to protect these institutions ' reputation was the fear that they would be discovered to be other than how they try to protect themselves , and that their integrity would be compromised .
7 It may be that as individuals learn and pray that they would be led to greater personal giving .
8 It may be that as individuals learn and pray that they would be led to greater personal giving .
9 He trusted that they would be enabled to further the progress already made in rebuilding the domestic stability and economic strength of the United Kingdom and in weaving still more closely the threads which bound together the countries of the Commonwealth or , as he still preferred to call it , the Empire .
10 She sought also to argue that he was in error in failing to decide that she had established a grave risk that they would be exposed to physical or psychological harm or otherwise placed in an intolerable situation if their return were to be ordered .
11 I ruled that they would be confined to the Promenade and Fleetwood line ’ .
12 About 3,000 people converged on foreign embassies in Tirana on March 6 , believing that they would be opened to asylum-seekers ( as in July 1990 ) .
13 This leads on to the third scenario , that decisions would be taken in economic and other fields at Community level , and that they would be submitted to the scrutiny of the European Parliament .
14 Outside the immaculately maintained and smartly guarded naval enclaves , where minds were drilled as thoroughly as bodies in uniformity and obedience , the privilege of royal society was granted on condition that it would be denied to all outsiders .
15 It was a pity that it would be blown to atoms long before it got there .
16 At the end of the meeting the principal adviser explained what would happen to the report next : that it would be presented to governors and to the appraisal subcommittee , and that any teacher could attend these meetings .
17 But fears that it would be given to poorly educated women or ethnic minorities , without their informed consent , led the Health Minister , Kenneth Clarke , to refuse the drug a full licence last year .
18 Contrary to declarations that there was no government policy for sterling and that it would be left to the markets to decide , by late 1981 the government intervened to reverse a fall in the exchange rate , and raised base rate to 16 per cent .
19 He evidently hoped that he would be recalled to power by popular acclamation and that the parties would be unable to work without him .
20 They thought that he would be committed to tough reform of the welfare laws , that he would set his face against the racial balkanisation of America , that he would support free trade and eschew the idea that great dollops of federal money would revive the economy .
21 Four centuries earlier Socrates at Athens observed that a really righteous person would be so unacceptable to human society that he would be subjected to every humiliation and crucified .
22 Philpott had been furious that the Secretary-General had failed to consult him and after several meetings with Graham overruled the decision , accepting Graham on to the team on a probationary basis , on the understanding that he would be subjected to periodic re-evaluation .
23 If that happens , the Secretary of State will be called on to adjudicate , and there is a suspicion that he would be inclined to side with the development corporation which , of course , is his creation , his creature .
24 On one occasion when Tolkien tore a ligament playing squash , and was told that he would be confined to his bed for ten weeks , Lewis went to see him — but , as Warnie recorded , he ‘ found Madame [ i.e. Tolkien 's wife ] there , so could not have much conversation with him ’ .
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