Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] is [adv] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You may tell me that your personal life is not my concern and that it is not for me to comment — and you would be justified however , I can not help but make it my concern because I have your future very much at heart .
2 The hon. Gentleman will understand that it is not for us to tie the hands of the Government of Kenya but to encourage , offer help and point the way whenever we possibly can .
3 I would also I think put in a word for the work of the joint po policy panel erm which is shared between this committee and the social services committee because it seems to me that it is not for us to be thinking that there is a group of children for who nursery education is necessary er or desirable and a different group of children for whom something else erm is necessary and desirable , largely because of their parents ' position .
4 It is not enough to say , as successive reports from the IMF or the World Bank have tended to do , that it all depends on governments and that it is up to them how the economy prospers .
5 The philosophy maintains that it is up to you to take initiatives and through so doing to refuse to be bored .
6 remember that it is up to you what you include on your schedule The more accurately you can assess your expenditure for the next year , the easier it should prove to keep on top of your finances .
7 On the other hand we are fortunate indeed if we happen to be in a business that is so secure that it is enough for us to make effortless decisions that never require us to do more than flow along with established patterns .
8 I should mention that he is here with us and I 'm sure you 'll be hearing from him and his wife , Dorothy , and we 're very happy to have you .
9 Now that he is back among us , will the right hon. Gentleman say whether there are really eight months to go ?
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