Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] may be [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 If this sounds a strange gospel coming from a theologian , let me say immediately that there is so much in the Bible about the awfulness , the cruelty and the unfaithfulness of human kind that we may be sometimes justified in wondering why God continues to love us at all .
2 One of the problems of some shares being illiquid is that they may be incorrectly priced ( i.e. the market may exhibit pockets of inefficiency ) .
3 The bags are usually made of leather or canvas and hung from the ceiling on a rope or chain so that they may be easily raised or lowered .
4 Immigrant rooms should be well ventilated and the interior of them so designed that they may be easily cleaned .
5 Generally , however , family doctors receive very little training in the management of severe chronic mental disorder in spite of the fact that they may be frequently called on to give advice and may often have to decide when to recommend a period of hospital treatment .
6 The problem with section 5 is that it may be unduly limited in scope through the requirement that the risk of prejudice be ‘ merely incidental ’ to the discussion .
7 SIR — As the Labour Party can not be trusted to display the red rose without it withering , may we have it back again in time for St George 's Day , April 23 , so that it may be proudly worn again by loyal Englishmen .
8 In August 1824 Hickman produced a pamphlet entitled A Letter on Suspended Animation , containing experiments showing that it may be safely employed during operations on animals , with a view of ascertaining its probable utility in surgical operations on the Human Subject , addressed to T. A. Knight Esq .
9 The person must be told that he may be legally represented .
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