Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] be [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , recognising John 's substantial experience of ICAO matters , the division appointed him as chairman of committee ‘ A ’ , with the result that I was left virtually as head of the UK delegation .
2 Another difference between the characterization of Alison and that of the three men is that she is seen totally from the outside — one sees her appearance in her face and her clothes ; we see what actions she does .
3 I still have to carry water to her because sometimes she wo n't come out of the byre and follow her mother , which means that she is left all on her own .
4 She saw that she was dressed entirely in jewels …
5 Belinda was instantly aware of the fact that she was dressed only in the silk slip that Faye had decided best captured the mood she wanted for her painting .
6 Her limbs were unsteady as she padded on bare feet , staggering a little , towards the door , oblivious to the fact that she was dressed only in a thin nightgown , that her half-combed hair flared untidily about her shoulders .
7 I became frustrated almost to screaming when I had finished a well-received and humorous story about the death of my grandfather and found that she was turned away in deep conversation with another woman .
8 It was at Ariel 's insistence that she was buried there in a cenote , the kind of grave the islanders reserved for their prophets , and Kit had yielded to her , even though it was well inside the stockade .
9 He felt pleased that she was known there as a married woman .
10 Also , although others may be wearing very little , you should always ensure that you are dressed sensibly for the occasion .
11 I shall personally see to it that you are put away in a place where not even the crows can land their droppings on you !
12 Mr Mr I think it 's implicit in our own nature and in our own character and a known fact that we are constituted here as a general assembly and we indeed ascribe to that and I do n't think we need to affirm it on a lower level of what is in fact the very standard of our existence here er in a general assembly .
13 One can only conclude that we are presented here with a deliberately unpoetical poem , an assault upon the cultivated reader 's exquisite sensibility .
14 So it 's important that they 're supported throughout by senior staff , because it 's never very easy to fit into an established team who may be used to the old ways of doing things . ’
15 Most , however , are reasonably quiet in operation and can be used in studio conditions provided that they are kept away from the microphones .
16 There are good habits and bad habits but the main point about them is that they are all behaviour patterns which have been so thoroughly learned that they are done automatically without any conscious effort .
17 So work has started to spread the ‘ learning difficulties ’ modules throughout the catalogue to ensure that they are placed firmly in the appropriate cognate group .
18 Certain English words are shortened so severely ( usually to a single phoneme ) and so consistently that they are represented differently in informal writing , e.g. ‘ it is ’ — ‘ it 's ’ ; ‘ we have ’ — ‘ we 've ’ ; ‘ do not ’ — ‘ do n't ’ .
19 He knows that they are regarded simply as Tory party stooges put there to do a job on behalf of central office rather than to represent the interests of the people .
20 Orthographically irregular words are pronounced more slowly than regular words ( Baron and Strawson , 1976 ; Underwood and Bargh , 1982 ) , indicating that they are treated differently in some way when they are read .
21 There is a particular problem associated with some designs in that they are activated simply by the sound of barking .
22 Another advantage of professional-style camcorders is that they are built longer in the body so that they can he supported on the shoulder — the operator 's hands are then left to steady the front end and operate the controls .
23 So , the situation in that is quite serious and it behoves us to take it seriously , it behoves us to make sure that if we are putting resources of that magnitude or of any magnitude perhaps , then we have to make sure that they are managed properly for the effective delivery of the services which we intend er that them to be used for .
24 Opponents may draw comfort from the fact that they are described officially as ‘ a temporary obstruction on the highway ’ .
25 Ethnic differences are so striking that they are described separately in Chapter 12 , although there are a few references in the text below .
26 But the police are already complaining about their poor pay and the fact that they are armed only with handguns .
27 The journals remain cheap and popular , but demand is so great that they are bought mostly by subscription , hardly ever from a news stand .
28 You can feel if the sail is sheeted correctly by the pressure in the arms ( assuming that they are spaced equally about the CE ) .
29 the innervation of the muscles inserted on the cervical sclerites suggests that they are derived partly from the prothorax and partly from the labial segment of the Head ( Henry , 1958 ; Schmitt , 1959 : Shepheard , 1973 ) .
30 The analysis of such accidents is also bedevilled by the fact that they are scattered widely through residential areas , with few clusters or ‘ black-spots ’ in evidence .
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