Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] be [adv] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think I should react more favourably to an attitude of confidence and trust … than to an attitude of suspicion that I am inherently extravagant and require continual supervision , ’ wrote one in 1952 , showing his misunderstanding of the decentralising potential of financial controls .
2 She knows that I am well aware that the 20 complaints referred to in that evidence were ‘ unsubstantiated and had not even materialised , ’ since I have covered her case in detail since the beginning .
3 Because I feel strongly that I am much more than that … perhaps many more nameless things , but valuable to me nonetheless .
4 You may think that I am too harsh and write with lack of sympathy for the children , expecting them to struggle with concepts which cause greater minds a great deal of thought .
5 You see although I wear the German uniform , you might really say that I am more neutral than anything else .
6 It 's just that I am so evil and perverted and encrusted with slime that it 's rather difficult for me to remember the fact . ’
7 Nobody can do anything , Doctor Sparrow does not answer , he refuses to listen , he gave me no reassurance , but I know , I know that I am seriously ill and there is no one here except my mother , and who is to look after her , Dorothea ?
8 I am glad that the hon. Gentleman says that I am very efficient because that is what we in the Department of Social Security strive to be .
9 Tell him that I am very sorry but I can not make exceptions .
10 As there is already a stop in approximately the location you describe I regret that I am still unclear as to what your request comprises .
11 The only difference between what Daniel had to endure and what my children have endured is that I am still alive and have plucked up the courage to divorce my husband .
12 An honourable offer from Covent Garden or Glyndebourne for a worthy artistic venture is acceptable , but ‘ if I have a feeling that someone 's dreaming of going to a small provincial European theatre because they 're offered 1,000 dollars and they think it 's more important than a whole season at the Kirov , I am so angry and upset that I am absolutely confident when I say do n't come back .
13 My Lord it is since that erm because , as you mention that er because of all the delay , that I am quite sure that positively intended erm I lost large sums of paying my solicitors , solicitors as well as a surveyor and therefore I attempted to er , er to recoup that
14 Otaka has clearly had a most inspiring influence on the BBC Welsh , so much so that I am quite convinced that anyone coming to this excellent new recording blindfolded would never guess its provenance .
15 I always feel that I am as good as anyone else .
16 Lil would be the first to say — and Nick would back her up that I am never happier than when I 'm banging my head against a wall .
17 The most important duty that I owe you , the reader , is that I be absolutely honest and candid , and therefore , although I have no doubt that the growers will not like me for saying so , I suggest that unless you aspire to the show bench , or base your gardening on taking chances , you should not heed the blandishments but look instead for the shortcomings .
18 I 'm on a diet but I find I 'm so hungry all the time that I 'm just miserable and ca n't concentrate on anything .
19 I know you feel you 're justified , that I 'm little better than a fortune-hunter .
20 ‘ You 'll see that I 'm more useful than a real d'Urberville .
21 You 've helped me so much in the past , and now that I 'm more helpless than ever , you 're going away ! ’
22 I 've become something of a connoisseur now that I 'm more housebound than of old .
23 ‘ Shall we say that I 'm less uncertain than I was at the beginning . ’
24 Okay , so trial and error and involved with trial and error is something that I 'm almost certain that Assa and David are going to er ,
25 Er , firstly that I 'm too fast and and er a number of people have said this to me so er and it 's true so I do n't wish to elaborate further on that .
26 And what makes me admit that I 'm as hapless as the biography to the left suggests ?
27 When that heroin is in my blood And that blood is in my head Thank God that I 'm as good as dead .
28 ‘ Miss Havisham , ’ I said , ‘ I must tell you that I 'm as unhappy as you ever wanted me to be .
29 Let me finish in a very positive note in saying that I 'm as concerned as the speaker to which I reply that that day will be reached and reached soon , please God , when we can sit down together and share fully in the sacrament of the lord 's supper .
30 The smoke and fog seem to get on my lungs , but apart from that I 'm as fit as Harry now . ’
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