Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] be in some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it stems from a sensation that I am in some way making a prediction of awful catastrophe , and not just telling a story .
2 Lest anybody should have got the idea from my August column that I was in some way in favour of four-year funding of students of architecture , let me set the record straight .
3 I always gave my husband the benefit of the doubt and ‘ buried ’ his brutality because I was so ashamed and felt that I was in some way to blame .
4 Mr Morton , speaking after the launch in America of an updated version of his book , said : ‘ A campaign began to build up against Diana that she was mad and mentally unstable , that she was somehow bending reality , did n't tell the truth and that she was in some way responsible for this book . ’
5 Mama named you de Warenne — is not it possible that you are in some way connected with the duke my father 's family ? ’
6 We noticed in our initial , cursory discussion of integrity in the last chapter that many of our political attitudes , collected in our instinct of group responsibility , assume that we are in some sense the authors of the political decisions made by our governors , or at least that we have reason to think of ourselves that way .
7 If they do more adversely affect women , our track record in using the legal process that we have , faulty and flawed that it is , might mean that we are in some way able to address the problem .
8 For some Christians the fact that we are made in God 's image means that we are in some respects killing God if we attempt suicide , and so there can be no more serious sin .
9 They will inevitably feel that it is their own fault — that they are in some way ‘ bad ’ or deserving of such treatment .
10 Ministers who feel that they are in some way personally to blame , will normally resign , as for example Lord Carrington as Foreign Secretary following the Argentinian invasion of the Falkland Islands and ministers such as John Profumo and Cecil Parkinson who were involved in personal scandals .
11 Or that they are in some way virtuous .
12 Historians , of course , might feel at this point that they are in some sense losing control over what material is selected for future use ( Zweig 1992 : 181 ) .
13 It originates as a MEWING sound in tiny kittens , letting their mother know that they need some kind of help or that they are in some sort of trouble .
14 Ministers believed the same , asserting as had been asserted when they were created that they were in some way different from the universities .
15 The most important common feature among them was that they did not have absolute rights over the land which they farmed , but that they were in some way dependent on a lord , who had a right to some part of their labour or their profits from the land .
16 People often feel that it is in some way distasteful deliberately to use your behaviour to influence others and this also leads to the conclusion that manipulating behaviour is unethical .
17 It may be that the state of affairs in which everyone ( as opposed to just some people ) is guided by such a maxim is an impossibility , or it may be that it is in some way a thing that no individual can wish for .
18 Retributivism claims that it is in some way morally right to return evil for evil , that two wrongs can somehow make a right .
19 I do not accept the intervener 's argument that it is in some way undignified for the decision of a visitor on the basis of advice from an eminent judge to be subject to judicial review and that if certiorari is held to be available senior judges will not wish to give such advice .
20 I will point out , though , that it is in some ways a very conservative proposal , inviting a return to origins .
21 Of this person she could form no idea other than that Hugh believed him to be the owner of whatever was in the sack and that he was in some way connected with the outlaws ' Camp .
22 Nor is there much to be gained from explanations of Wordsworth 's ideas which imply that he was in some way different from ourselves .
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