Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] be [adv] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't have to prove to anyone that I am not only a serve and volleyer .
2 I have realised that I am no longer a spring chicken by tour standards — 28 in February — and the wrinkles are starting to appear , so , to prolong my career and my enthusiasm for the game , I am cutting down .
3 Over the last year or two my playing has deteriorated to the extent that I am now virtually a one-fingered guitarist !
4 ‘ Well , I do like to think that I 'm not only a guy who does electronics ; I 'm a player , too .
5 Both our stomachs were set ; a tiny trickle of blood on the sheet confirmed what I had not noticed : that I was no longer a virgin .
6 I thought that there must be something wrong with me , and I had to do something to prove that I was not just a thing which other people used , of value only because you , Papa , are so enormously rich .
7 This demonstrated that I was not yet a legionnaire as I had not been awarded my white képi , and as such was still an ‘ engagé volontaire ’ or recruit ; it went on to say that I had one month 's service in the Legion , and that I was part of the Squadron commanded by Capitaine Duransoy , in the section of Sergeant Major Barlerin of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment .
8 After all , we were no ordinary family , but a clan : I was told by my mother always to hold my head up high , and remember that I was not only a MacLeod , but a double MacLeod — MacLeod being also her maiden name .
9 The truth of the matter — that I was never really a punk — can be gleaned from the fact I wrote to her later , and apologized .
10 ‘ I gather though that she 's not exactly a woman without a history — I daresay Aunt exaggerates — and rather at a loose end at present — and . ’
11 The big thing about Butch is that she is n't just a dumb blonde , as she herself stressed .
12 But the addition of paid work to the housewife 's activities does not mean that she is no longer a housewife .
13 Knew that she was no longer a child .
14 Before she finished here and made her way to the sitting room , there were certain things she must say to Cissie , and she must say them without alarming the girl , yet , at the same time , make her aware that she was no longer a child , that she already had the mark of a woman on her .
15 Only the grip of his hand on her arm joined their bodies together , yet the union seemed complete and total so that she was no longer a separate entity .
16 Diana replied that she was not yet a member of his family and , what 's more , she had no other dress suitable for the occasion .
17 She agreed to come and I took her first to the more brilliantly decorated one , not knowing that she was not only a very religious woman but also a girl who had been brought up in the strictest kind of convent — no heating , nothing for show .
18 But from my own researches it became plain to me that she was very much a person of her times , as compared with Beatrice Webb who became so much a critic of her times .
19 He mentally called her a child to avoid admitting that she was very much a woman .
20 She could not now pretend that none of this was known to her , that she was still simply a diligent and faithful daughter , loyal handmaid of a noble art .
21 Lucy will soon learn that you 're not exactly a ladies ’ man .
22 They show that you 're not just a ‘ browser ’ , but are serious — and you 'll get a lot more help as a result .
23 Further notes should be made during reviewing , so that you are not merely a passive recipient of information .
24 The effort will be well worth while and you will realise that you are not merely a " student " in the lay understanding of the term , but a professional person with a place in society .
25 Did you ever have the feeling that you were almost more a part of management that you were a representative of the workforce ?
26 We can find out far easier what is really required , and they can begin to realize that we 're not just a set of photographs at back of church with names underneath , that we 're actually person who are thinking of speaking .
27 Because , as I say , we 've got recycling credits on our side , we 've got the fact that we 've got this outlet in Exmouth which will take the paper , and that 's why we 're looking at producing this workshop area , so that a lot of this stuff that goes to landfill , I 'm talking about , fridges , tables , whichever else that can be repaired and reused er , I know this is only on a very small scale , but one of the things that I think is very important with is that we 're not purely a recycling centre , we also want to set an education project , to raise people 's awareness of what yo yet waste production is n't about recycling , it 's about not producing it in the first place ,
28 The good news is that we are already over a quarter of the way towards our target , having raised the sum of £34,055 in the six weeks since the trial .
29 Had people coming in , they noticed that we are n't just a building there offering financial services , but we were actually interested again , in the local community .
30 I 've been in the family for generations , said the tray , so you can see that they 're not just a bunch of jumped-up farmers like so many around these days .
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