Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] be [verb] [is] that " in BNC.

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1 The only reason that I am speaking is that I do not believe that the guillotine motion has anything to do with speeding up the Education ( Schools ) Bill because time was being wasted .
2 The point that I am making is that the argument is not one of Sunday trading , but one of law and order , with the Conservative party ranged firmly among the enemies of law and order .
3 All that I am saying is that I strongly suspect that those periodic catastrophes make more showing in the stratigraphical record than we have hitherto assumed .
4 All … all that I 'm saying is that I would like my job and what I do ideally to be like that .
5 are , are the same but I see the point that you 're making is that the workload is n't just the initial action plan .
6 Three point one okay so this is where the model , in effect what we 've done which is a very crude way , right , of erm incorporating exogamous influences , right , we have n't said tha that the war is going to affect the income or price elasticity what we did do , right , all that we 're doing is that we 're allowing the intercept of our model to change , right , now as a result , we 've got , we can prove the st the statistical significance of all the variables in our model , right , the co the actual coefficients that we 've estimated have changed quite significant , particularly in the er the incoming elasticity , right , the incoming elasticity was less than one , right , and insignificance before was now greater than one and height of R squared has also increased dramatically our measure of explanatory power .
7 But , one of things that we are discovering is that when people complain about drafts er , we 've been switching the air conditioning up and down to balance it up to suit the individuals needs .
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