Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] be [adj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The only problem is that I 'm tired sometimes and write more or less whatever comes into my head .
2 ‘ I doubt that I 'm special just because I get upset when I hear something sad .
3 ‘ Suffice it to say that I 'm older even than that . ’
4 We can observe that she is happy only when she is furious , and do not need to have it suggested that her earlier nickname of ‘ Thatcher Milk-Snatcher ’ derived from her own breast-deprivation , which denies her all happiness and allows her ‘ only the sadistic triumphs of tawdry political and military victories . ’
5 She complained to an industrial tribunal that the main reason for her dismissal was that she was pregnant so that her dismissal was an act of unlawful sex discrimination contrary to the 1975 Act .
6 ‘ It 's a wonderful thing that they 're all here and all OK , ’ he said .
7 Do you say ‘ Hands up all those that feel that they are better today than they were yesterday , or do you apply some perhaps more objective criteria of describing that ?
8 From this brief examination of some of the factors which can affect childhood psychiatric risk , it is apparent for each one of the examples that they are relevant only if certain other conditions prevail .
9 Although the maker and even country of origin of these pieces surprisingly remains unknown , one view holding that they are German rather than French , this uncertainty did not matter to the bidders as it sold to an anonymous private collector for $1,700,000 ( £944,400 ) .
10 There may perhaps be properties which are evidence-transcendent , by which we mean that it is always possible that they be absent even though we have the best possible evidence of their presence .
11 They should make certain that the authorities are spending a suitable amount on adult education , and that it is available locally as well as centrally .
12 ‘ What is important is that international financial assistance is well-packaged and well-planned and that it is visible so that people feel that international aid really helps . ’
13 One characteristic of modern industry is that it is capital-intensive rather than labour-intensive and hence does not provide much employment .
14 And now that it is 8.58 pm and I have done fifty-eight minutes of work , which I deem to be more than enough for one night I am signing off , because , I 'm lazy .
15 Rather naively , it has sometimes been suggested , either explicitly or implicitly , that it is some more or less faithful copy of the stimulus which is shunted from one side of the brain to the other .
16 Disguising his real feelings he wrote cheerfully , telling them that it was better here than The Hague , as if to say that nothing could be worse than the hell of being unloved .
17 It was a brave and beautiful place , with innumerable windows and twisting staircases and a lawn and a swing in a tree and everything you could desire in a spacious and desirable residence , only that it was all still and tiny enough to need a magnifying glass to see the intricacies of its carvings and appurtenances .
18 The telerecording screen was exactly the same as a domestic television screen except that it was flat rather than curved , eliminating any distortion from the image when captured on film .
19 The real objection to the use of the statement may in any event have been that it was self-serving rather than that it was protected by privilege , which could have been waived by the defendant .
20 There was a thermometer on the wall displaying the temperature , ensuring that it was constant so that the paintings were preserved correctly .
21 I think the old man 's a bit afraid to go into hospital , I know that he 's afraid obviously cos of the , the , this open heart surgery sort of thing but er , he 's also afraid that , he thinks were gon na have er such outrageous parties down the close and were gon na be open all night and things like that .
22 N. B. The third party action between the solicitors and the barrister did not decide that he was negligent merely that if he was negligent he would be liable to the solicitors .
23 I had n't expected to be able to speak to Alan before the end of the week , but at a quarter to five Sylvia de Groot telephoned to say that he was free now if I still wanted to see him .
24 Not that he was interested particularly but er it 's an interesting story .
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