Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [be] [not/n't] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I would just like to add something to that , and the fact that it 's not only that women , that , that men are taught that they can rape and they can abuse women , but er that it 's alright !
2 The point is , a ) that a really determined motorcyclist or moped rider will find a way onto a path no matter what barriers are put up , and b ) that it is not right that the cyclists , disabled walkers etc at whom the facility is aimed , should be disadvantaged for the sake of the minority of potential abusers .
3 More radically still , Derrida works at the limits of any possible philosophy of history , arguing that it is not just that the problems of hermeneutics , specifically of interpretation and language , affect historical understanding , but that what in a broad sense he calls writing , or différance , determines history .
4 He argues that it is not just that the long waves each have a different pattern but that regional differentiation , and regional political and social movements , are crucial to the shape of long waves themselves .
5 Leaving aside for the time being the question of ‘ hostile intent , ’ it is plain that it is not enough that the defendant deliberately does an act that has the incidental effect of obstructing the police ; he must also have some notion that he is obstructing and causing the police difficulties .
6 In the example quoted , the first line leaves unstated the place to which Israel is to return ; the B-line specifies the full significance of " return " in A. It is true of course that it is not only that the B-line is more specific than the A-line but also that the A is more specific than the B. Such cases do not negate the parallelism of greater precision ; they are a subset of the examples of our feature .
7 Their chief executive , Andy Barton , feels , with some reason one would have to say , that it is n't right that the government should bail out a competitor .
8 When she got pregnant her social worker booked her into here , as there was not much space at her home and Barbara agreed that it was n't right that her mother should have her back with a baby as well .
9 On March 10 Boutros-Ghali had appealed to all UN member states for voluntary contributions to cover UNFICYP 's US$196,000,000 cost ; he had pointed out that it was not right that the force should be funded as at present by voluntary contributions from the eight personnel -contributing states [ see also p. 38873 ] .
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