Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [be] [prep] these [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There should be such a requirement in Britain , instead of just relying that we are about these orders er on the o o on the er auditors er them that that that the the themselves .
2 Key defender Paul McGrath , set to win his 61st cap , said : ‘ I did n't even know that we were near these records .
3 Well , I have been following this mailing list and have yet to post a message , but am sad to see that it is under these circumstances that I post my first …
4 So it is worth recalling at the outset of this discussion that it is in these senses that the female cross-dresser of the early seventeenth century could be described as an ‘ invert ’ or ‘ pervert ’ , and hardly at all in the sense of those words as coined and popularized by the nineteenth-century sexologists and , later , psychoanalysis .
5 Thus we come to a more general and tenable version of dualism : that every writer necessarily makes choices of expression , and that it is in these choices , in his " way of putting things " , that style resides .
6 Given the apparent sexist bias of much humanities and social science teaching , it seems odd that it is in these subjects that women are numerous ; it is the absence of women in physical science and engineering that has generally been regarded as a ‘ problem ’ .
7 And yet we know the conditions under which the sequence was written and notice how fragile it is , how much a willed order , and how dependent upon a bravura performance — and suspect that it is from these elements that the permanent value of the poetry springs .
8 I replied that I had not done so-that I was happy in the Foreign Office , and in the House of Lords which I had never contemplated leaving , and that it was in these fields that my strong preferences lay .
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