Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [adv] [vb base] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to think that I never give poor care to any patient for political reasons , ’ he mused somewhat pompously , ‘ but I 'm certainly not above giving extra good care to the wife of an important man like Bill ! ’
2 ‘ It is not true that I only play this game for money .
3 Being a mere composite from charnel houses , I fear that I alone undergo this sorrow behind the eyebrows .
4 I unashamedly admit that I sometimes use this song as a form of social control .
5 Movement from scene to scene does not use scrolling as per Lucasfilms , but requires that you completely leave one location and then enter another — this is not as smooth as other game systems , but Sierra have refined it to a fine art .
6 At this point you realise that you either need one computer to generate the images and a second to handle the transfer of these to the film recorder or you buy a bulk film pack ( which at over £6,000 costs as much again as the PCR/SlideWriter ! ) and run the imaging process overnight .
7 It 's a replacement for the DOS Type command , except that you automatically get one screen full of information at a time and you can scroll backwards and forwards , and search for particular text .
8 Now imagine that you only have one year to live .
9 The argument is that you only have one life , that you are the most important person in the world and that if you do n't take responsibility for your own development , who else will ?
10 Another problem may be that you only have one machine for both recording and playback so that only one of these activities can go on at one time .
11 If you have sex with men for other reasons , it is important that the man wears a condom ( for vaginal and anal intercourse ) or that you only have non-penetrative sex .
12 It is also important that you always have safer sex !
13 Do you mean to tell me that you never see any case of obstruction , street shouting , begging , carts and cycles with no lights , no offences against the motor car laws , or in other words , that everybody — men , women , and children — know the laws so well that they can avoid the many pit-falls ?
14 If children witness a quarrel , but then see that you still love each other , they will realise that a row is not the end of the world and will learn that it 's all right to fight — as long as we make up later .
15 While it is desirable that you too feel that way about it , it is essential that the person to whom you are delegating sees the task as valuable .
16 The most curious thing is that we actually esteem this sort of thinking and consider it clever instead of facile .
17 So they 're , I do n't know whether it 's , i it 's terribly reactionary to say that we really want one teletext cos your holidays , might they be coming up on Ceefax
18 Miniaturisation enabled small nuclear artillery shells to be produced and that , in its turn , made way for the development of the theory that we now call flexible response .
19 It seems that we now have serial correlation in our model as a result of including the dummy right , now we 've got to test statistic , I mean always look at the F version of the test , right , er our F statistic of three point seven six is significantly different from zero , right , that leaves seven percent level , so a five percent test we probably accept that we did n't have any serial correlations and we just got there by the skin of our teeth on that particular test erm yes , you could probably get away with this one , functional forms fine , no problem there , hetero skilasticity right , are F statistic three point nine but significantly different from zero that 's six percent level , right , so again we just scrape it if we were looking at the ninety five percent confidence it wants to be five percent if you are using as five percent significance level .
20 That 's a tribute to the British work force and do n't let the honourable gentleman forget that we now have one point four million more in work , in the U K than we had ten years ago .
21 Peskibe continues to thrive , operational profits there are now well over a million a week and I think it 's worth remembering that one subscriber may have three subscriptions say to two movie channels and one sports channels and if you count these individually , it means that we now have four point nine million subscriptions achieved during the second worst recession , recession this century .
22 ( 6.12 ) unc it turns out that we only need one law to deal with channel declarations : an elimination rule analogous to ( 6.3 ) .
23 Normally they do so in such intimate contact that they immediately annihilate each other , because the force of gravity — and hence of antigravity — is weak over tiny distances when compared with the strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force , which pull the particle and antiparticle inexorably together .
24 What organizing principles must the cells have so that they reliably give this pattern , even when the cells are rearranged and the length of the line varies ?
25 Under s47(6) they must take " such steps as are reasonably practicable " to obtain access to the child unless satisfied that they already have sufficient information ( s47(4) ) .
26 The instrument contains electronic components , which are wired up so that they automatically compare two radar frequencies and convert the result into convenient units — miles per hour .
27 Pulse-generating species emit such short and irregular clicks that they rarely jam each other and most gregarious electric fish are of this type .
28 This obviously adds great weight to its publications , in that they clearly have wide acceptance amongst those involved in the building process .
29 They therefore tend to believe that they also have minimal risk of addiction .
30 At other points the crest from I will coincide with a trough from 2 so that they almost cancel each other out to give one of the hollows of the pattern .
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