Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 And one of the things that we do need to look at is , that is almost every salesman that I 've ever measured and almost every bit of research I 've ever seen , suggested that every salesman in the world , spends at least a third of his time driving about in his car .
2 He knew that I had always stopped and got off if there was anything else on the road — and that was back in wartime remember — so he said that with the sort of traffic that 's on the road now I would never be on for getting off !
3 I think a book that I have recently read and greatly enjoyed was , in fact , Graham Greene 's The Honorary Consul , which is now available in paperback .
4 I will own that I have often said and lamented that the library was not fit to be seen …
5 We , very seldom that we have boiled potatoes but if I wanted a potato I think to cover all the needs to keep , I would go for Desiree because that one will fit almost any bill at all , it 'll do everything , it 's the best all round potato , late potato that I have ever grown and eaten .
6 Rather I wish to draw attention to a particular exhibit in the gallery which is quite simply the best that I have ever seen and which appeals at many levels : intellectual , artistic and aesthetic .
7 This is the first show of Cooper 's dedicated exclusively to this medium that I have ever seen and it impresses me as providing the ideal means for her to achieve that tenuous balance between coy decorativeness and crude primitiveness which she uses successfully to convey the psychological weight of a figure 's gesture .
8 Irene had three much older spinster sisters who adored her , and her one consolation when she was discharged from the Waaf was that she had somewhere to go and three loving sisters to look after her .
9 It seems to have been her settled conviction that she had only to see and to speak to him , and he would agree to return to her .
10 What was even more worrying was that she had never cried and even when he remonstrated with her and told her bluntly that their two children were dead and buried she just smiled and turned away .
11 The ‘ or else ’ was a possibility that she 'd already considered and decided to embrace , if it came .
12 Now , I agree with the point that you 've just made and I 've heard some other people say , well the teaching that they 've got so far is n't going to influence what they see in their second year .
13 The most practical way of examining the list is to tick off the items in each column that you expect definitely to apply and , where possible , to write down the expenditure involved in the adjacent box ( see Budget Planner , pages 120–25 ) .
14 If you do , your employer will be able to argue that you have simply resigned and not been dismissed .
15 They will not go into the store where the eager young men and women modelling their smocks will sell them something expensive , attractive and useful that you have long tossed and turned at night in the lust to have in your possession .
16 ( For example , the fact that you have always hoovered and polished every week need not mean you must continue to do so . )
17 in this budget that we 've just passed and what we want to make sure is how that money is being spent .
18 We then voted on a lengthy Liberal resolution er , it was amended by Labour we voted on all of the separate points in the resolution , all were agreed and then Professor decided that he wanted to move a further amendment which after some consultation , some discussion with the legal people about it 's validity , he did which wiped out all of the things that we 'd just agreed and we turned to the original Conservative motion minus the beginning phrase and with a couple of things stuck on at the end and we thought well that 's it the Conservatives will vote for that , but no although it was their own motion in all but name , the Conservatives would n't vote for that unless Mr was allowed to move it .
19 But of course if we 're going to do that we need somewhere to start and where we 're going to start is that I 'm going to ask you to each to make a presentation , a very short presentation .
20 This picture is one that we have often seen and is , believe us , very common .
21 However , we are now satisfied that we have fully identified and accounted for the areas requiring rationalisation and tighter controls within the Sekers companies , which emerged following the acquisition .
22 A smile can charm and delude us so that we accept even lies and insults — providing that they are accompanied by the expected flash of teeth at the same time !
23 But then we made a sort of left turn with ‘ Tusk ’ , which dumbfounded a lot of people , not just the record company who obviously wanted the market , but a certain amount of the public who were expecting something that they 'd already labelled and were comfortable with .
24 That they had all stood and let him go .
25 They would have planned to have won only about half the amount of possession that they did actually get and still hoped to have been in front .
26 The indictment of this book is not only that the authorities have permitted certain specific excesses of which examples are described , but that they have deliberately promoted and condoned violence , crime and racketeering in order to alienate both their terrorist and political opponents from their natural sympathisers .
27 Where this is done it matters not that the pedestrians have n't put a foot on the crossing or that they have actually crossed and the offence can still be committed ( Gullen v Ford [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 24 and Connor v Paterson ( 1977 ) 121 Sol Jo 392 ) .
28 Many students who exercise find that they need less sleep and have more stamina because their muscles can work harder and longer with less effort .
29 Can sport retain an ethical base or will its involvement with television mean that it becomes completely dominated and determined by financial considerations ?
30 Although there are no studies for El Salvador , research in Mexico shows that the weight of the basket can cause damage to the spinal column , so that it becomes slightly twisted and exerts pressure on the uterus .
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